Rinses from a sore throat.

Rinses from a sore throat.

Rinses from a sore throat.

  1. Aloe leaf for a day is placed in the freezer. Then it is crushed using a meat grinder, diluted with 500 ml of pure moisture and boiled for half an hour. Allow to cool and filter. Use for rinsing. The prescription is prescribed for severe inflammation and acute pain.
  2. In a circle of warm liquid, potassium permanganate is dissolved. The color of the water should go pale pink. A couple drops of iodine are injected there. Used for rinsing with herpes and follicular tonsillitis in adults. Also, the drug is considered effective in the treatment of a chronic disease.
  3. To 200 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice add twenty milliliters of 6% apple cider vinegar. It is diluted with boiled water and heated in a microwave oven to a comfortable temperature. Gargle with follicular, purulent and chronic tonsillitis up to five times a day. For greater effectiveness, onion, cranberry or carrot juice can be added to the composition.
  4. A tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted with a cup of warm water. Used for rinsing three times a day.
    A similar measure is unacceptable in the treatment of tonsillitis, especially in a child. Even a 3% solution of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide can seriously burn the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity.
  5. A good anti-inflammatory effect is given to the collection of one part of the pharmacy chamomile and two — the color of linden. The indicated volume is diluted with a glass of boiling water. After fifteen minutes, filter. Used for rinsing with illness in a child and a pregnant woman.

Rinses from a sore throat.

  1. 50 g of horsetail field for a quarter of an hour kept in a mug of boiling water. After filtration, gargle. Thus, follicular tonsillitis is quickly eliminated.
  2. In the treatment of the child use raspberry leaf infusion. Raw materials require two large spoons. Pour a cup of boiling water and let stand for ten minutes under the lid.
  3. To remove redness and plaque from the tonsils with purulent tonsillitis, use the following composition: three small spoons of onion husks and two cups of boiling water. Boil for several minutes, squeeze and gargle. The recipe is equally effective for children and adults.
  4. Four dry leaves of plantain are carefully ground. Pour a glass of liquid and bring to a boil. After filtering, rinse the tonsils every sixty minutes.
  5. Equally mixed calendula, chamomile and eucalyptus. 15 g of collection are steamed with a mug of boiling water. Insist before cooling. Rinse in the morning and evening.

Rinses from a sore throat.

  1. A glass of Siberian elderberry flowers is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water. On low heat, hold for five minutes. Filter after cooling completely. Gargle with inflammation and acute pain. Helps to quickly and effectively overcome tonsillitis of any kind.
  2. Prepare a collection of two teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves, a similar amount of color of chamomile and linden. Add a teaspoon of flaxseed. In 200 ml of water, boil 1 tbsp. l collection. Use after spin.
  3. One small spoon connect sage grass and black elderberry flowers. Enter half the volume of grass and the color of the sweet clover and the roots of the marshmallow. Selected 1 tbsp. L., brew a glass of boiling water. After cooling, squeeze.
  4. A teaspoon of flax seed is mixed with a couple of teaspoons of calendula, chamomile and hypericum. To 250 ml of boiling water add fifteen grams of collection. After an hour, filter. Gargle with acute pain.
Rinses from a sore throat.
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