Rhinitis treatment.

Rhinitis treatment.

Rhinitis treatment.

Soap heals the nose.

Rhinitis treatment. For fifteen years I suffered from a chronic cold. In that far time of such classification, the common cold was not. Did not know anything about allergies and allergens.

Treated hardening: wiping, quartz, unsuccessfully buried in the nose protargol. Toddlers tried to dress warmer in cold weather.
But the common cold was constant and year-round.
Once, from a doctor, she heard her diagnosis: a vasomotor rhinitis.

Somehow I read the name of academician Nikolai Fedorovich Gamaleya in the newspaper. The scientist suggested flu and coryza apply toilet soap of the highest quality. At that time I bought soap «Crimean Rose», now it can be replaced with baby soap, tk. In other toilet soaps, many different supplements, and among them there are allergens.

You need to wash your hands, then soap the soap in a good foam and ring fingers (it’s more convenient for me) to get a foam and massage the nasal septum in For a minute.

It begins sneezing, blowing, tears — all this will clear the nasal mucosa,
The stagnation disappears, the breathing becomes free.

This procedure should be repeated every time the nose is poured, until the nose starts to breathe normally. When you get rid of the common cold, resort to this procedure during the flu epidemic, as to prevention.


rhinitis treatment

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  1. […] in throat. I would like to share my personal experience of treating throat diseases. For this I use rinse from […]

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