Recipes of male power.


Recipes of male power.

increase potency in men.

Hard man to realize himself exhausted.

But many studies have shown that today many men lose courage long before old age. Maybe even some of them will be able to contribute to the return of masculinity.

Here are my tips.

• Mix a tablespoon of hawthorn juice, 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt in a blender. Next, add 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey. Immediately drink.

• Take the fenugreek seeds at the tip of the knife. Wash them down with a quarter cup of asparagus infusion. 12-15 pieces insist in a glass of boiling water overnight.

• Pine nuts restore courage. Return youth. The most popular milk made from the nucleoli of nuts. They pound, gradually add water. You can drink 2-3 cups a day.

Recipes of male power.

• 100 g of crushed root levzei pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for at least 45 days at room temperature. The dose is prescribed individually — from
20 drops to a teaspoon at a time, three times a day before meals, evening no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime.
The course of treatment up to 2 months, then a break.

• Seeds of mugwort (Artemisia), grind into powder and take a teaspoon 3-4 times, drinking a decoction of the roots of parsley. The roots are ground in a mortar, a teaspoon of boiled water, floating on the water bath, covered 30 minutes. This — the daily dose.

• Infusion grass cocklebur — teaspoon per cup of boiling water, drink 1.5-2 cups a day. Cocklebur, it — zobnik — this herb.


Recipes of male power.


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