Powders for diabetes.

Powders for diabetes.

Powders for diabetes.

Plants used in powder form have a quick healing effect. Therapy is indicated to be performed from a month to three.

  1. Home-made powder from dried leaves of a yarut is indicated for diabetes, accompanied by the appearance of wounds. It should be taken in this way: 0.3 g four times, washed down with clean moisture. Therapy does not stop for two months.
    Not recommended for use with low blood pressure.
  2. The peeled acorns are dried under the scorching sun. After passing through a coffee grinder, receiving a powder. It is used for sugar type problems — 1 tsp. during every meal. Washed down with water.
    Do not continue therapy for more than two weeks.
  3. Dry the mustard seeds. The mortar is crushed to a state of fine crumbs. Each morning they eat a dessert spoon of powder, performing the treatment of a disease of the second type.
  4. In case of a sugar disease, cinnamon is indicated. The powder in the amount of a teaspoon is diluted in a cup of warm water and some floral honey is added. Allow to stand for half an hour and drink for the day, divided into two servings. Instead of water, you can use kefir.
    Hypertension is a good reason to refuse treatment through cinnamon. Otherwise, a sharp jump in pressure cannot be avoided.
  5. A quarter dessert spoon of cinnamon powder is added to a cup of hot tea. Insist five minutes and drink. Treatment is performed in the morning and evening.
  6. Ginger powder is taken twice a day — a quarter of a dessert spoon, adding to warm moisture. Helps to increase the protective properties of the body.
    With hypertension and elevated temperature, it is worthwhile to refrain from ginger.

Powders for diabetes.

  1. Red ginseng root powder helps in the treatment of severe diabetes. Take 0.25 g three times a day, washed down with water. A prescription is recommended if vision suffers.
  2. A dessert spoon of turmeric powder is added to a glass of warm boiled moisture. Drink in the morning, repeating in the evening. Helps treat type 1 diabetes.
    Turmeric enhances the effects of drugs, so the simultaneous intake is impossible.
  3. Treat diabetes insipidus with peas, crushed to a powder. Eat 1 tsp. funds five times a day, washed down with water.
  4. A few tablespoons of fenugreek seeds are ground into powder. Recommended for elderly patients to lower their blood sugar. Use half a dessert spoon twice, washed down with milk.
  5. Diabetes mellitus is treated with brewer’s yeast. Take the powder in two small spoons three times a day, washed down with water. Treatment is performed for about three to four weeks.
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