Diet for women.

Diet for women.

Diet for women.

Diet for women. For many women, overweight problems are caused by dysfunction of the ovaries. I want to lose weight
but at the same time there is a risk of provoking persistent dysmenorrhea. What to do?

In this case, experts recommend a diet with a sufficient amount of protein, which does not deprive the body of the building material for hormones.

Today we bring such a diet to your attention, it can be called the most female diet. It will help you lose 2-3 kg per week without feeling any hunger.

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Swiss diet.

Swiss diet.

Swiss diet.

Swiss diet. The Swiss diet is one of the safest and most effective weight loss systems available. This diet has no strict restrictions and is based on the principles of a balanced diet.

The Swiss diet is suitable for people who are engaged in manual labor and do not want to starve.

Before starting the diet, it is recommended to prepare the body for several days: reduce the calorie content of the diet, reduce the portion sizes.

Pre-held fasting days will also be useful.

Swiss diet menu

Breakfast (optional)

• 2 soft-boiled eggs, radishes, 100 g of bread, a cup of coffee with milk;
• 1 hard-boiled egg, 50 g of black bread, a glass of low-fat milk;
• 100 g of ham, 50 g of bread, a cup of coffee with milk.

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Estonian diet.

Estonian diet.

Estonian diet.

The Estonian diet is a hard diet for 6 days. Each of them is a one-day mono-diet based on one type of product. For 6 days of the diet, it is possible to lose up to 6 kilograms of excess weight.

Estonian diet menu

The first 3 days of the diet, the main product is protein.

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Hair fall out.

Hair fall out.

Hair fall out.

Hair fall out. In case of hair loss, rub an ointment from the ash of burnt flax stalks into the head.

Means against hair loss: 1 glass of black bread, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, after which you can wash your hair with the prepared infusion.

In case of hair loss, it is useful to lubricate the head with tart wine, infusion of pumpkin leaves, iris oil and henna oil.

In case of hair loss, mix 1 tbsp. l. honey and aloe juice and 1 tsp. garlic juice. This mixture can be prepared for future use in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tbsp before use. l. mixture, add the yolk of 1 egg to it, stir it all and, dividing the hair into strands, apply to the scalp. Tie your head with a scarf, put a plastic bag on top and hold for 20 minutes.

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What diet to choose.

What diet to choose.

What diet to choose.

Dr. Bircher-Binner.
There are many popular diets known to promote rapid weight loss. But all of them, as a rule, disrupt metabolism in the body. That is why, after a short period of weight loss, it increases again. And most importantly, at the same time, a person feels unwell and even worsens in appearance.

We offer a slimming diet recommended by Dr. Bircher-Binner. The Bircher-Binner method combines treatment, restoration of lost health with sustained weight loss. We will only add that the success of such a diet has been confirmed by many years of clinical practice.

! The diet of Dr. Birchen-Binner is designed for a week.

It is preceded by a fruit juice unloading day. But it is not recommended for anyone to use this diet for the first time without medical supervision within the first 3 days.

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Ice is in the service of beauty.

Ice is in the service of beauty.

Ice is in the service of beauty.

Ice is in the service of beauty. Cryomassage with ice cubes is also an excellent cosmetic procedure, which is easy to organize at home. To do this, prepare ice from a decoction of herbs in advance.

For example: for a glass of boiling water 2-3 teaspoons of collecting herbs (birch leaves, chamomile, sage). You can also add 1 green tea bag. Cool, pour into molds and put into the freezer.

Cryomassage combines the use of basic massage techniques (rubbing, stroking). This procedure perfectly removes swelling, gives the skin elasticity, tones, reduces pores, improves complexion.

! Like any cosmetic procedure, cryomassage has contraindications: the presence of pustules, allergic reactions to cold, the stage of exacerbation of herpes, rosacea, epilepsy, migraine and frequent headaches.

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Than to clean the kidneys.

Than to clean the kidneys.

Than to clean the kidneys.

Periodic cleansing procedures help keep the kidneys in good shape. It is best to clean the buds with parsley seeds.

Prepare infusion from them:

1 teaspoon of seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist overnight in a thermos.
Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Simultaneously with the infusion of parsley to enhance the cleansing effect, take an infusion of raisins: 2 tbsp. Rinse spoons of raisins, rinse with boiling water and pour a glass of boiling water overnight. Drink the infusion during the day, and eat the raisins themselves. The duration of the cleansing course is a week.

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