Treatment of gastroduodenitis.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis.

Smoking, stress, emotional overload lead to inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and intestines.

As a result, gastroduodenitis is formed — a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by pain in the epigastric region, digestive disorders.

In addition to the treatment regimen prescribed by the gastroenterologist, recipes of folk medicine are used.

Folk remedy for gastroduodenitis

The best remedy that is effective for inflammation of the stomach and intestines is a mixture of honey, oil, carrots and walnuts.

Honey — 500 g,
Melted butter — 500 gr,
Chopped walnuts — 500 gr,
Finely grated carrots — 500 gr.

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Trans fats in diabetes.

Trans fats in diabetes.

Trans fats in diabetes.

Trans fats in diabetes. Trans fats used in the food industry have extremely unhealthy qualities. They are obtained by combining hydrogen with unsaturated fatty acids.

The fats are stabilized by this chemical method.

The list of products in which trans-fats are added is fairly extensive, such as margarines, spreads, peanut butter, frozen convenience foods, and cream.

In the confectionery and bakery industry they are used to increase the shelf life of muffins, crackers and other sweet baked goods.

The negative effect of trans fats is not an increase in blood sugar levels.

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Coconut oil for weight loss.

Coconut oil for weight loss.

Coconut oil for weight loss.

1. Burns calories.

Any one food has its own metabolic properties. Various macro and trace elements in food affect hormone levels and metabolism. Some foods are digested more efficiently, while others take more time and require more energy.

Coconut oil is a thermogenic substance. Its constituents, unlike fats of other origin, require more energy to be broken down and digested.

One study found that 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil (15-30g) requires 5% more energy. It burns about 120 kcal per day during digestion.

Other experiments have confirmed these findings. When replacing regular fats with medium-length chain fats, the body uses more calories to break them down and absorb them.

When it comes to the calories of butter or vegetable oil, it should be noted that their benefits are unquestionable, but require less energy expenditure.

Coconut oil fats enhance metabolic mechanisms and increase energy expenditure by 120 kcal per day.

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Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet. Fruit is a delicious and healthy food found in many diets. Thanks to fruits, the human body receives a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Fruits have a juicy and bright taste, giving a person a great mood.

Various fruit diets have been developed on the basis of fruits. The most common diets are apple, citrus, and mixed diets.

In any of the options, the fruit should be organic and fresh. It is not recommended to use exotic fruits for dieting.

The duration of any fruit diet is no more than three days.

Sample menu of different fruit mono-diets

Apple diet

1 day
For breakfast: A glass of apple juice, 2 apples.
For lunch: 3 baked apples (you can add cinnamon).
For dinner: Sliced ​​apples, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt, a glass of any fruit juice.

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Hollywood strict diet.

Hollywood strict diet.

Hollywood strict diet.

The Hollywood Strict Diet got its name from its popularity among American movie stars. Its caloric content averages 600-800 kcal.

The Hollywood diet includes eggs, beef, poultry, and fish cooked without fat, low-fat cottage cheese, oranges, grapefruits, and some vegetables.

Salt consumption is sharply limited, sugar and starch-containing foods, dough products and bread are excluded.

Fats are excluded, including vegetable oil.

Breakfast always consists of 2 oranges, a cup of tea or coffee.

Lunch and dinner have several options:

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Folk ways to combat herpes.

Folk ways to combat herpes.

Folk ways to combat herpes.

Folk ways to combat herpes. Folk remedies are not worse than antiviral drugs. They strengthen the immune system and prevent relapses.


Tincture of calendula is used to wipe the lesions several times a day, while taking
inside, 25-30 drops of tincture with a quarter cup of boiled water 3-4 times a day before meals.

Calendula flower ointment will help with both herpes on the lips and genital herpes:
Mix 1 part of calendula flowers powder with 10 parts of olive oil, leave for 2 weeks. With this ointment, lubricate all herpes-affected areas several times a day. In the summer, you can lubricate the affected areas with juice from flowers and leaves of calendula.

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And lose weight and look younger.

And lose weight and look younger.

And lose weight and look younger.

You will need a detox.

And lose weight and look younger. Pay attention to the horsetail, which can solve two problems at once: excess weight and edema. It acts as a diuretic, removing excess fluid and toxins from the body that accumulate with fat. As a result — cleansing the body, removing edema and losing weight.

Prepare the cleansing infusion as follows:

pour 1 tbsp. l. horsetail herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Drink 3 times a day for 1/3 cup for 2 weeks. At the same time, try to drink more clean water so that harmful substances leave the body, and the required volume of fluid remains.

To help restore the liver overloaded during the holidays and improve its blood supply, we advise you to master diaphragmatic breathing.

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