Best way to lose weight. 


This diet is designed for 10 days, requires five meals, that is a strong sense of hunger, you will not feel. Your menu for the day on a diet of fish will be as follows:

Before breakfast: a large glass of pure water.

First breakfast: 2 cups of green tea, 1-2 eggs, yogurt cup or plate of nonfat cottage cheese, 1 fruit.

Second breakfast: a glass of water, eat the first half of a small fish in order to subdue the appetite and digestion run, then doeshte fish, alternating it with any cooked and raw vegetables.

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Best way to lose weight fast.

weight loss

Best way to lose weight fast.


A little under the effect of weight loss on their own to develop a strategy, obviously, so very popular diets in which everything is thought out.
On one of these diets, and we want to tell. It is designed for a month, during which you just have to follow the suggested food plan that will get rid of 5-7 kg.

Best way to lose weight fast.

During the entire month will need to accurately plan the meal, as well as
strictly adhere to the specified collection, and the number of products.

Especially is meticulously treated to breakfast — it should always be at one and the same time. With the rest of the meals you can do more freely, entering them into your daily routine.

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The biggest drawback of all diets — monotony. Most diets have a clear menu and a list of foods. To deviate from them is not recommended. But it is very difficult psychologically.

But there is a diet that may be called «This is a great diet.» The name is connected with the fact that during this diet you can freely choose any approved products. A list of approved products is so wide that you can easily eat dozens of different dishes for every taste.

Your daily diet during the diet should contain 1500 calories. Of which 215 g of carbohydrates, 60 g of protein and 45 g of fat. The duration of the diet — as long as you need to get rid of all those extra pounds.

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Vessel Cleansing.

Vessel Cleansing

Vessel Cleansing.

Сlean blood vessels.

Cleansing the arteries and veins of our body from salt deposits and all sorts of sediments, we return them elasticity, flexibility. Also make them young.

As a result of cleansing, vascular diseases are treated. Varicose veins are reduced. Improved hearing and vision. Disappear headaches, sclerosis, the likelihood of a heart attack. Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, bronchi, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx.

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Knee joint pain.

Knee joint pain.

Feet no longer hurt. Knee joint pain.

By the age of 50, illnesses prevailed. And hypertension, and headaches. And recently one more attack was added. Knee joint pain. They began to swell and joints hurt greatly.
Yes, so that normally could not walk. I realized that it was time to take on myself seriously.

Knee joint pain.

I found recipes for folk medicine. I decided to try it, it’s better than not going to the doctors.

From pains in the joints I prepared such a remedy. Finely wiped the laurel sheet. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of powder was poured into a glass jar of mayonnaise. She filled it with vegetable oil. Put in a warm place for two weeks. After that, I held this jar for 3 hours in a water bath. Cooled and filtered.

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Best skin care products.

Best skin care products.

Juicy cosmetics. Best skin care products.

In summer, as much as possible, use in your diet energy-filled suns, valuable vitamins and microelements. They are rich in fruits and berries cleansing our body pectins. They not only add to you health and vivacity, but also bring beauty, freshness to your skin. Best skin care products.

Best skin care products.

And, of course, do not forget that all the fruits and berries that we use in nutrition can be applied to the face in the form of masks or wipe the skin of the face with juice from them. There are no restrictions!
In your garden and on the shelves of fruit stalls you will find natural cosmetics, which in their effectiveness are quite comparable with expensive imported cosmetics. You just want to be beautiful, some knowledge and a creative approach to your appearance.

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Asthma medications.

Asthma medications.

Rescue coal from asthma. Asthma medications.

Asthma medications. By myself I know that bronchial asthma can not be cured safely and without drugs you can not do. Asthma medications.

It’s a pity that even good expensive medicines do not always give the same effect as we would like. Therefore, we have to resort to additional help.

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