What is hpv.

What is hpv.

HOW TO GET RID OF papillae?

What is a papilloma?

What is hpv. Papilloma — a benign skin lesions, which looks as a small build-up, which has a different color — solid, yellowish or brown, in people, these skin formations often called hanging warts or warts on the leg. What is hpv.
Papillomavirus are very common, almost every tenth person they there is on the face and neck, the hands, the soles, in the natural folds — armpits, groin, under the breasts.

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Gym for the lazy stomach.

Gym for the lazy stomach.

Stomach problems.
The complex of exercises for the stomach.

1. Lying on your back. Gym for the lazy stomach.

Legs straight, arms at your sides. Slowly turn to bend the legs at the knee. Breathe freely.

Lift the straight leg at a time.

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Gym for the lazy stomach.

Gym for the lazy stomach.

Stomach problems.
Who of us at least once in his life did not complain of poor performance of the intestine or stomach pain or discomfort in the abdomen? After all, not everyone knows far that is in the place where there are unpleasant sensations.

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How to deal with migraines.

How to deal with migraines.

How to deal with migraines.

What is migraine is known to many. Who experienced it on their own sad experience. How to deal with migraines. He, bypassing this disease, is unlikely to explain. What inhuman torment she is capable of delivering.

But the worst thing is that it is still difficult to find a really effective tool. Able to relieve migraine. However, the fight against this disease has yet to be. Therefore, in order to help yourself, you need to develop a set of measures for yourself. Measures will help if the migraine is not completely cured. Then at least minimize the number and duration of seizures.

Means to relieve headaches.

I am ready to share these tools with everyone.

First, organize a comfortable life. Lack of sleep and excessive sleep, stress and boredom, lack of exercise and physical exhaustion. All this is harmful.

Take a shower often. A stream of water with negative ions “erases”.

Avoid migraine provocative foods. These are cocoa and chocolate, milk and cheese, nuts, eggs, soy sauce and sardines, celery, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, fatty foods.

Eat regularly. Long breaks between meals and associated constipation contribute to migraines.

Talk with your doctor about the drugs you are taking. Some contraceptives and vasodilators provoke bouts of pain.

Remember that alcohol does not soothe or aggravate migraines.

Limit your contact with your TV and computer. Frequent flashing on the screen is bad.

Sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Avoid lush pillows that increase blood flow in the internal carotid artery.

Eat bananas. They contain substances that act as hormones for the pleasure of the brain.

Avoid strong smells of flowers (jasmine, h hyacinth, phlox, mimosa), gasoline, paints, acetone, new furniture.

Indisputable advantages can bring medicinal plants.

Cold infusion from the herb of Melilotus officinalis. 1 tablespoon of dried chopped raw materials in a glass of cold boiled water. Leave on for 4 hours, filter. Take ¼ cup 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of dosage of lavender flowers. 3 teaspoons of dried chopped raw materials pour 2 cups boiling water. Leave on for 10 minutes and drink during the day in small sips.

Try my tip, maybe the migraine will recede. And it will allow you to enjoy a full life.

15 yarrow flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

It is also good to insist on mint cologne on the grass for 8 days. Strain, squeeze, rub with a headache whiskey, forehead, nape.

If a headache is very effective for making green tea or black tea leaves out of good tea. Add a pinch of mint. Drink a glass of this tea in small sips, gradually, without haste. I don’t know how anyone, and for this simple remedy I had a headache for 15-20 minutes.
More to say, and now, after more than a decade, this method that I use always helps.


CANCER blood.

CANCER blood.

Herbs that increase the hemoglobin.

With leukemia (blood cancer), hemoglobin decreases. Bring it back to normal is very difficult. However, there are plants that increase blood. They are rich in iron and various trace elements, which are necessary in this case.

Of these plants would recommend Pulmonaria officinalis. This plant belongs to the national media. In the pharmacy, unfortunately, this did not happen to buy. Medunitsa is rich in manganese, cobalt, iron, which are responsible for blood.

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Natural healing remedies.

Natural healing remedies

Natural healing remedies.

Fitoretsepty for colds and flu.

1. Natural healing remedies. The flu’s most popular folk remedy for the treatment of a honey-garlic mixture. It peeled garlic cloves, they grate. Then mixed with honey (preferably lime, lime but if not, take a flower) at a ratio of 1: 1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon, drinking water, preferably before bedtime.

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Why is it so dangerous flu.

Why is it so dangerous flu.

Why is it so dangerous flu.

Influenza symptoms treatment.

Why is it so dangerous flu. This is simply that many do not understand. All complications do not occur from the virus, but under the influence of secondary infections. Virus-induced pneumonia develops in several cases. It develops very seriously against the background of the flu. Often combined with purulent processes. Moreover, it is practically incurable and often leads to death.

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