Ointments for eczema.

Ointments for eczema.

Ointments for eczema.

  1. Take crushed leaves of celandine, mixed with petroleum jelly and lanolin (2: 1: 1). Apply ointment to the affected skin of the feet and hands twice a day until recovery.
  2. From the weeping form of the disease, an ointment is used: ghee, chopped onion and gum (in equal amounts) are mixed and heated in a water bath until the onion is soft. The mixture is triturated, applied warmly to the affected area. If possible, a diseased limb or any other part of the body is kept above the fire (as long as there is strength to endure heat). Repeat recommended every two days.
  3. In equal proportions take badger fat and tar, mix. Ointment covers the affected areas of the epidermis. Apply no more than a week.
  4. For weeping eczema, it is recommended to use this ointment: rinse earthworms and put them in a jar. Close the lid tightly and leave in a warm place for 3 weeks. After the mass, strain and rub the skin. The itching promises to intensify, but after washing off the ointment, it passes. Use at least a week.
    The recommendation has nothing to do with effective treatment. On the contrary, you can easily bring infection into the affected areas.
  5. Half a glass of dried marine fish scales is placed in a coffee grinder and ground to a flour condition. Add a few tablespoons of fish oil, mix. The tool is used as an ointment for the treatment of dermatological problems.
  6. In the fight against seborrheic form, an ointment from viburnum is recommended. Dried and crushed berries mixed with powder from pumpkin tops (1: 1). Sift through a sieve and add 15 grams of butter. Apply the paste to sore spots for at least 2 weeks.
  7. The recipe is suitable for treating feet. A dry mixture of 20 grams of burdock leaves and a similar amount of hoof root, chamomile flowers and fireweed herbs are placed in a pan and poured with water in an amount of 1 liter. A little boil, then add a couple of glasses of broth of hay dust and a spoonful of butter. Boil to a state of viscous gruel, filter. A similar volume of glycerol is added to the mixture. Ointment is applied to cracks, inflammation.

Ointments for eczema.

  1. Mix the powdered flax grass mixed with pork fat (1: 3). Heat over low heat for three hours, cool and apply to the skin for a week.
  2. In equal parts take copper sulfate, petroleum jelly and celandine. Mix and apply on the epidermis for 4-5 days three times. You can also mix 1/3 tablespoon of vitriol and 100 g of sour cream. Apply at bedtime for a quarter of an hour. The recipe is especially good for treating wet forms.
  3. Add a similar amount of flour to 100 g of honey. Stir and cover the affected areas of the skin. After half an hour, rinse with milk whey. Repeat twice a day.
  4. 30 grams of chopped aspen leaves pour 100 ml of vegetable oil. Insist a week, strain and warm. Add 15 grams of beeswax. Apply to the skin with dry and microbial eczema three times a day until cured.
  5. Mix art. tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fish oil and Art. a spoon of tar birch. Apply the ointment daily, twice a day for two weeks. You can use another recipe with tar: mix 100 grams of the product with 50 ml of cream and four egg yolks.
  6. Grind four heads of garlic, mix with 50 ml of fresh honey. Rub daily into sore spots.
  7. To treat dyshidrotic eczema of the hands at home, use coltsfoot ointment. The grass is crushed in a blender, added to fresh milk, stirred and heated. Apply to the skin, cover with gauze on top and wrap with a bandage. The dressing should remain all night. The next morning they take it off. The procedure is repeated for seven days.
Ointments for eczema.
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