Numbness in fingers.

Numbness in fingers.

Why do my hands grow numb. Numbness in fingers.

7 reasons for thinking about health.

Numbness in fingers. Each person often encountered a sensation of loss of sensation of the leg or arm. It is accompanied by a slight tingling or burning.

Often this is due to a temporary disturbance of blood circulation in the extremities due to the compression of blood vessels and nerve endings. It is necessary to start moving or changing the position, and the sensitivity is restored.

And yet, the uncomfortable position in a dream, unfortunately, is not the only cause of numbness in the hands. If the loss of limb sensitivity is noticed more often. It does not last long, you need to be on your guard. Since numbness can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness.


Why do my hands grow numb


Causes of numbness in the hands.

Cervical osteochondrosis. Any violations in the cervical spine cause nerve damage. May cause numbness in the hands. Also cause headaches and coordination problems. Start to monitor your position. You also need to engage in special gymnastics. It is better, of course, to visit a doctor. He will prescribe examinations for pathology.

Multiple sclerosis. You can joke about it as much as you want. But sclerosis is not just forgetfulness. This is a serious neurological disease.
Because of the defeat of the nerve membranes of the brain and spinal cord, there is a violation of the passage of nerve impulses. Sensitivity is reduced. Numbness can be felt in the hands.

Numbness in fingers.

If other causes of numbness in the arm are excluded, it makes sense to consult a neurologist.

Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Often observed in people whose activities are associated with monotonous work of hands (programmers, seamstresses, musicians). Because of the repeated movements of the fingers, swelling of the tendons occurs. It passes through a narrow channel. The nerve in the canal is crushed. A person feels numb. Unpleasant tingling in the hand (especially in the morning). Do not forget to go to the neurologist. Because in a forgotten form this disease is fraught with complications up to the atrophy of the muscles of the finger.

Thrombosis of the veins in the limbs also leads to numbness. A thrombus slows the flow of blood. Therefore, the delivery of substances important for maintaining limb functions is impaired. The thrombosis is fraught with an edema and other serious complications (gangrene, rupture of a clot). Consequently, the disease necessarily requires diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Numbness in fingers.

Anemia and diabetes mellitus are often accompanied by blood circulation disorders in the limbs and, as a result, numbness.
Neuralgia of the brachial plexus, as well as prolonged inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissues can cause pain syndrome followed by numbness of the hand.
Violation of cerebral circulation (stroke) is the most dangerous cause of numbness in the hands. If the numbness of the hands is accompanied by a violation of the lower extremities, confusion, headache, speech and vision impairment, you should immediately call an ambulance!

We cited the main possible causes of numbness in the hands. If you are constantly worried about discomfort in the limbs, not only after an uncomfortable position during sleep, immediately check and consult a doctor. Such symptoms are best not to be ignored, because they can go into a serious chronic disease.
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Why do my hands grow numb.


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