Intracranial hypertension.

Intracranial hypertension.

Silkworm pain took off.

Intracranial hypertension.

I have a friend with whom we have been friends for many years. Intracranial hypertension.
For the past three years, she suffered greatly from headaches, sometimes so that she could not leave her house on her own.

The doctors determined her intracranial pressure. Numerous medicines and even treatment with some folk methods have not yielded a result.

Life because of wild pains became unbearable, she lived in constant fear that with it a stroke can happen — she lives alone, there is nobody to take care of her.

It is not known what would happen to her further, were it not for her distant relative who lives in the Krasnodar Territory and invited her to visit, promising to put her friend on her feet.

I did not see a friend of month three. And one day, she came to me. To say that I was amazed to see her was not to say anything. Before me stood a completely different person.

It was a refreshed, well-dressed and rejuvenated woman.

Her face no longer distorted the constant agony of headache; She made a fashionable hairstyle, and immediately it became clear that this was not at all an old woman, what she looked like in recent years.

And all this thanks to that same relative. She kept her word and put my dear girlfriend to her feet.

She treated her according to her prescription. I’ll bring it here.

You need to take a handful of broken branches of mulberry, 2-3 cm long, pour
1 liter of water, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 10 minutes.

Then remove from heat, wrap and insist 1 hour.
Take 3 times a day for 1 glass, it does not matter before meals or after.

In 2-3 months you will forget what a headache is.
If the branches are thin, then they break easily with their hands, and if thick — can be chopped with a hatchet.

By the way, curative in mulberry is also bark, roots, and from berries Mulberries cook excellent jam, normalizing blood pressure — and low and high bounce back. So who has the opportunity, stock silk raw materials, you will not regret.



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