Get rid of the cyst.

Get rid of the cyst.

Get rid of the cyst.

Treatment of cysts should not be postponed. Because cysts tend to increase. Herbs of the brain are most effectively treated through the nose. Well resolves cysts, spotted tubercle.

Oily nasal bump in oil solution.
2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day. This treatment can be carried out continuously, without interruption.

To prepare, take the oil of the marsh 50 g. Chopped swamp grass, or a mixture of grass and seeds, or just hemlock seeds.

This plant material put in a jar. Pour 500 ml of olive oil into it. Insist 21 days in a dark place at room temperature. Stir periodically. After 3 weeks the oil is ready hemlock — filter. Filter through several layers of gauze into another bowl. Oil can be stored at room temperature. It does not spoil.

You can take the hemlock and the interior in the form of tincture. It is taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach (one hour before meals).

Take tincture of gemlokarta. 1 drop on admission on the first day to 40 drops. Increasing the daily dose by one drop. Then down — 40 drops per drop, reducing the dose in the same way.

One course of treatment lasts 79 days. After going 2-3 of course, you must do a two-month break in reception of hemlock. Drops of the tincture of hemlock dosed with a pipette into a glass of water, but even better to add it to an infusion of marjoram or a string (the infusion is prepared from the calculation tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water), as hemlock several changes of blood formula, and oregano and a series of her reduced.

In the 79-day courses do week break during which the body is purified broth burdock roots.

Get rid of the cyst.

Marin root — it has a general anti-tumor properties, so you should use this plant. In addition, the root of Marin has a sharp taste, and herbs and spices with a sharp taste have the ability to break down all unnecessary body.

Another name Marina root — peony. So buy the pharmacy tincture of peony and take it for the night — the peony has also soothing and soporific effect. Take a teaspoon of tincture of a peony 1 / 4-1,2 glasses of water.

Pain in pancreas remove meadowsweet. From meadowsweet make a cold infusion: a tablespoon of meadowsweet herb pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature, insist 1-12 hours (eg, you can leave at night), then drain the extract and strain. The resulting infusion drink during the day.


Improves pancreatic job blueberries (leaves and berries), grass Repeshko usual. Tablespoon Repeshko pour a glass of boiled water, to cool, strain — you get a portion of the drug on the day. In addition, it improves pancreatic eating leguminous plants (peas, faba beans, kidney beans).

From the food, have a sharp taste, so good dispersing blood stasis and wound up in the body (which is very important to deal with cysts), I can recommend the pepper, garlic, onion and turmeric.

However, since you have problems with the pancreas, the pepper, onion and garlic and you can not come (to use them, depending on tolerability), but the spice turmeric does not hurt and will only benefit.


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