Flu treatment.

Flu treatment.

During epidemics. Flu treatment.

The flu goes. Every year we hear terrible warnings from doctors about the insidiousness of the flu viruses. Flu treatment. Almost all suffer from it. And only a few lucky people manage to do without complications, which manifest themselves sooner or later.

This elementary weakness and lethargy is possible for a long time. Will lead to serious heart disease.

Vaccinations against influenza, of course, give their results. But how many of us have time to make them? After all, we all hope for the Russian maybe. We begin to worry only when the disease has already come. Well, we will be treated.

So, in the first days of the flu:

Flu treatment.

• Grind a clove of garlic, pour a tablespoon of corn or olive oil, insist 6-8 hours, filter and dig in
garlic oil in the nose 3-4 drops 3 times a day.

• It is good to use garlic tincture. 250 g of peeled garlic finely chopped and insist on a liter of vodka at a temperature of 30 ° for 2 weeks, periodically shaking. After 2 weeks strain through gauze.
Healing properties of the tincture persist throughout the year. Take flu during the 10-15 drops before eating.

• A phytoncidal inhaler is very easy to prepare from a combination of equal
the proportions of garlic and onion, ground to a gruel-like condition and placed in a clean bottle of penicillin or streptomycin. It is enough to dilute the contents with 5-8 pipettes of alcohol solution propolis and regularly breathe this mixture. And neither the flu nor the cold will be scary.

• In case of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, children are shown the collection: the herb of St. John’s wort, horsetail, yarrow, heather, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, flowers of lime, marigold and elderberry — equally.
1-4 st. spoon collection (depending on the age of the child) pour 300-500 ml of water. Boil for 3-5 minutes. To drink during the day.

• Cold treatment usually begins with sweatshops. A good sweating effect is provided by hot chamomile tea, tea with flowers
linden and elderberry, leaves of sage.
Equal quantities of camomile flowers, linden, elderberry to collect.
2-3 hours spoonful of the collection brew a glass of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes.
Drink hot at a time.

• In case of acute rhinitis (runny nose), infusion of cones of spruce, oil extraction from shoots of ledum, beet juice, aloe juice is instilled into the nose.

• Garlic liquefies phlegm, facilitates its separation. Can be used for diseases of the respiratory system — chronic bronchitis, even whooping cough and bronchial asthma.
In these cases, along with ingestion, mustards are also useful from garlic mush. You can rub the chest with ointment of garlic paste on pork fat or butter.

• With flu and sore throat, a good effect is due to the inhalation of the smell of freshly prepared garlic clot.
Infusion of garlic. 2-3 crushed denticles, insist 40-60 minutes in
a glass of boiling water. Bury in the nose and use to rinse your throat.

• Onions have a bactericidal effect. As a vitamin remedy is especially shown in the winter. With bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, use raw onions with honey, fried or boiled in milk. Prepare a mixture of chopped onions, honey and sugar (500: 50: 400).
Brewed in a liter of water for 3 hours. Take 4-6 tbsp. spoons a day.

• With flu, sore throat, SARS, onion pulp with grated apple and honey works well.

• With a cold in the nostrils, put cotton swabs moistened with onion juice. In order to instill onion juice.
Do inhalation: in a glass put 1-2 st. spoons of onion gruel. Put it in a narrow pan with hot water. Cover with a paper funnel. Inhale water vapor with volatile onions (phytoncids).
By the way, onions in all cases must be used freshly prepared.
Within 10-15 minutes. At the end of this period, volatile volatile phytoncides volatilize. Its therapeutic effect is weakened.

• With a mild cold and for the prevention of colds and flu, tea is shown. It is prepared from equal quantities of mint leaves, St. John’s wort, oregano, tea leaves. Drink it for 2-3 weeks.

• And for the prevention of colds in children in winter, it is useful to prepare the following mixture:
0,5 kg of dried apricots, a glass of raisins, one big lemon, a glass of cranberries, a glass of peeled walnuts and a glass of honey.
Nuts are scalded with boiling water and cleaned from the film. All components are passed through a meat grinder. Lemon is not cleaned. Pour honey.
It turns out about 1 liter of the mixture, which is stored in the refrigerator.
Give the children a dessert spoon in the morning and evening.


Flu treatment.

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