Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Herbal decoctions during menopause are designed to alleviate general discomfort and help in the fight against symptoms. The treatment period with their help depends on the severity of the symptoms, but cannot exceed 3 months.

  1. Take 10 g of the fruits of barberry, knotweed, mistletoe, shepherd’s bag. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a cup of water. Bring to a simmer and simmer for another 10 minutes. Let stand a little and filter. With heavy uterine bleeding take half a cup three times a day.
    White mistletoe is considered a plant of low toxicity.
  2. Pour 20 g of rosemary with a medicinal cup of boiling water. They languish over low heat for 15 minutes, after which they defend a little. As a medicine for menopause, take a quarter of the total volume for half an hour before each meal.
  3. When cast into heat, a decoction of coriander will help. A teaspoon of seeds is poured into 220 ml of boiling water and simmered for several minutes over low heat, having previously covered with a lid. After give a little brew. Use 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

Decoctions from menopause.

  1. Five grams of hawthorn flowers are poured into 220 ml of boiling water, sent to a slow fire (boil for ten minutes). Filter the broth and add so much water to get 250 ml of the product. Drink ½ tbsp. several times a day before meals.
  2. For menopause, treatment with licorice root and aralia, which take one Art. l and add to 750 ml of water. Sent to the fire and boiled for twenty minutes. Strained broth is consumed approximately 230 ml per day.
    Licorice root is strictly contraindicated in arterial hypertension.
  3. Treatment with walnut septum is considered effective to restore hormonal balance and reduce hot flashes. They take partitions of five nuts, pour a cup of cold water at night. Boil in the morning for about 5 minutes. A filtered broth is drunk on an empty stomach.
  4. Cope with a heartbeat helps turnip broth. Two tbsp. l the grated product is placed in 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. A strained broth is drunk in 0.5 cups four times a day.
  5. Uterine bleeding in menopause is treated with pine nutshell. For 1 glass of raw materials take 220 ml of water. Sent to the fire and boiled for about half an hour. After they give it a little stand and start taking it: in the third part of the glass three times a day before meals.
Decoctions from menopause.
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One Response to “Decoctions from menopause.”

  1. […] cervical myoma, two herbs are mixed — knotweed and a red brush. Take a tablespoon. The mixture is steamed […]

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