Decoctions from fibroids.

Decoctions from fibroids.

Decoctions from fibroids.

There is a group of plants that help in the suppression of tumor processes. The use of decoctions prepared on their basis occurs from two weeks to six months.

Mono decoctions

  1. A glass of a pine uterus is boiled for five minutes in one liter of purified moisture. Insist until cool, filter. The volume is divided into three servings and drunk per day. Treatment is especially effective if a fibroid is diagnosed simultaneously with a cyst. In the same way, endometriosis and adenomyosis are treated, that is, no less common diseases of the gynecological plan.
  2. To restore hormonal balance, especially important for menopause, prepare a decoction of flaxseed. Four small spoons are filled with half a liter of ordinary water and brought to a boil. Stirring, boil for fifteen minutes and remove from heat. Allow to cool and wring out the raw materials. Take half a cup up to four times a day on an empty stomach. Treatment is carried out for at least several weeks.
    In large quantities, decoction can cause flatulence.
  3. A tablespoon of hemp seeds is boiled for ten minutes in 400 ml of water. Filter. Drink fifty milliliters three times on an empty stomach. After two weeks, the main symptoms of the pathology disappear.
  4. A small piece of ginger root is ground on a grater. A teaspoon of gruel is poured into 400 ml of liquid and boiled for ten minutes. Allow to cool and squeeze the raw materials. Divide the volume into three servings and drink per day. Treatment does not stop for two weeks.
    Ginger is not recommended for severe uterine bleeding.

Decoctions from fibroids.

  1. At home, a decoction of cucumber leaves helps to get rid of the tumor. Pour 1 tbsp. l the crushed product 600 ml of water, and for seven minutes boil over high heat. Allow to cool. Drink a cup a day, divided into six servings. The treatment lasts a month. If by that time the result is not achieved, after three weeks the course is resumed.
    To take the drug for more than three days is dangerous to health.
  2. A tablespoon of tea penny is poured with a mug of water and sent to the fire. Ten minutes after boiling, set aside and allow to cool. Drink a glass up to four times a day.
  3. Nodular fibroids are treated with a decoction of European zyuznik. A teaspoon of raw material in 200 ml of water is boiled for three minutes. Cool and filter. The volume is divided into two doses, using on an empty stomach.
  4. 15 g of tansy greens are added to 300 ml of water. Bring to a boil and filter. Drink 1 tbsp. l up to five times a day on an empty stomach.
  5. A handful of chopped cherry branches are added to 0.4 l of water and boiled for a couple of minutes. Cool and filter. Instead of tea, they drink to overcome various gynecological problems besides fibroids: adenomyosis, endometriosis and ovarian cyst.
Decoctions from fibroids.
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  1. […] mixed viburnum bark, blueberry leaves, calendula, plantain, rowan fruits, knotweed and milk thistle. A couple of large spoons are […]

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