Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

  1. Prepare a mixture of one part of the cherry bark and three — the mulberry root. Pour half a liter of wheat vodka for several weeks. Drink twenty drops at least three times in twenty four hours.
  2. Collect thirty joints of a golden mustache. Pour a liter of vodka and let it brew for a month. Drink forty drops each time before eating food for a month. The recipe helps prevent tumor degeneration.
  3. Prepare a herbal collection of taken from a tablespoon of pine buds, yarrow, celandine, calendula, wormwood, marin root and propolis. A little more than twenty grams are taken and poured with a liter of alcohol for two weeks. Filter and begin treatment of cervical fibroids — a teaspoon per day, mixing with clean moisture.
  4. Two hundred and fifty grams of pine nuts (the shells are not removed!) Are placed in a glass container and filled with several glasses of medical alcohol. After two weeks of exposure in a place protected from sunlight, filter through a sieve. Take 1 tbsp. l three times on an empty stomach. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to drink up to five bottles of tincture. The remedy helps with both myoma and ovarian cyst.

Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

  1. Three parts of vodka are added to one part of the hemlock seed. It is kept in a cool place for three weeks, periodically shaking. Filter. Drink five drops twice in twenty-four hours, washed down with plain water.
    The use of a hemlock for medicinal purposes is prohibited by official medicine. Doctors believe that raw materials can cause serious harm to health.
  2. Take a sheet of alocasia the size of the palm of an adult. Grind in a meat grinder and combine with 0.1 l of medical alcohol. After ten days, filtered. Use three times a day, breeding in water. The dose is gradually increasing — from one drop to fifty-two.
  3. It is possible to get rid of cysts and perennial fibroids at home using tincture of bee subpestilence. A glass of death is poured with a liter of moonshine and insisted in a glass container for two weeks. Take 15 ml once a day. Folk remedy normalizes the hormonal background, cures endometriosis, improves the thyroid gland.
  4. Take 20 g of the frozen juice of the ferula plant. Pour two glasses of vodka and insist for twenty days at room temperature away from sunlight. Use a teaspoon twice a day for four weeks.
  5. Take one hundred grams of dried eucalyptus leaves. Grind and mix with half a liter of vodka for twenty days. Shake the container regularly. A strained folk remedy is taken before meals twice a day, thirty drops, washed down with clean water.
  6. 100 g of the sacred Vitex grinded using a coffee grinder (usually fruits are used) is poured with 2.5 glasses of alcohol. A month is kept in a dark place. Consume 1 tsp. three times on an empty stomach if a large tumor is diagnosed.
  7. Take fifty grams of flax stalks, fill with medical alcohol in an amount of 500 ml and keep it away from light for two weeks. Drink forty drops after squeezing, diluting in pure moisture.
Cooking tinctures from fibroids.
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  1. […] is a group of plants that help in the suppression of tumor processes. The use of decoctions prepared on their basis occurs from two weeks to six […]

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