Compresses from sinusitis.

Compresses from sinusitis.

Compresses from sinusitis.

Through compresses at home, several effects are achieved at once: the edema of the mucosa is eliminated, inflammatory processes in the sinuses are suppressed and the pressure decreases.

Any compresses can be performed only at the stage of recovery. In acute inflammation, there is a risk of worsening.

  1. Black radish in the form of a compress is indicated for disinfection and thinning of mucus. The root vegetables are washed, peeled and ground in a blender. The gruel is mixed with a little fresh honey. The mass with radish is spread on the area of ​​the nasal sinuses, leaving for a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to be in a prone position during the procedure. Up to five sessions are performed per day.
    It is important to prevent contact with eyes.
  2. Fifty grams of blue clay is diluted with hot water to a mushy state. In sunflower oil, several gauze napkins are wetted. Impose on both sides of the maxillary sinuses, laying clay mass on top. Hold the hour. Repeat twice a day for the treatment of acute type of inflammation.
  3. Compresses with bay leaves are considered effective. A branch of the plant is placed in the pan. Pour water and bring to a boil. In a slightly cooled broth moisten the cotton cloth. Impose on the maxillary sinuses. Cover with a warm towel. After half an hour, the compress is removed.
  4. Another recipe with bay leaf. Take five leaves of bay leaf, and bring to a boil in half a mug of water. Introduce one potato tuber, diced. When the potatoes are boiled, the container is removed from the heat. Prepare mashed potatoes by adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of baking soda. A couple of cakes are formed from the resulting mass. Applied to the sinuses, previously wrapped with gauze, and held for up to twelve minutes once a day.

Compresses from sinusitis.

  1. To a mushy state, chop two cloves of garlic. Spread, performing massage movements, on the area of ​​inflammation. Five minutes later, the skin is washed off and rubbed with a mixture of birch charcoal and burdock juice. This recipe helps to quickly overcome double-sided sinusitis.
  2. Hard boiled egg. Without cleansing, they are applied to the maxillary sinuses and held until completely cooled. The compress is performed twice a day, intending to cure monotonous and other types of inflammation.
    In the acute period, such a compress causes great harm and exacerbates the condition of the patient.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of natural honey and a handful of wheat flour. Knead until a dough is obtained. Divided into two parts. Flat cakes are formed from each. Impose on both sides of the nasal sinuses, leaving for an hour. Treatment is performed before bedtime.
  4. The medium-sized onion, unpeeled from the husk, is wrapped in a cloth and beaten with a hammer until juice is secreted. The resulting slurry is transferred to gauze and determined on the forehead. Cotton pads are placed on the eyes so that juice does not get. Hold no more than three minutes. At the end of the procedure, the skin is washed and lubricated with a greasy cream. Procedures are performed every other day.
    Following the recommended method, it is easy to make a scalp burn and aggravate your own condition.
  5. A teaspoon of natural honey is combined with 10 g of Extra salt. Apply a lot to the skin of the forehead, cover with cellophane and a towel on top. While holding the compress, it is advisable to be in a warm room to enhance the effect. A few hours after the start of the session, mucus will come out of the nose. The following procedure is repeated after five days.

Compresses from sinusitis.

  1. Twice a day, bags of hot sea salt are applied to the nose bridge region. Hold until cool.
  2. Prepare a mixture of crushed clove of garlic and a few tablespoons of sea salt. Heated and wrapped in a linen napkin. Apply to the sinus area before bedtime, holding until cool.
  3. Prepare a solution of sea salt — forty grams per liter of water. The composition should be hot. A linen piece of fabric is impregnated in it. Put on the face, over covering with cellophane and a towel. When the cloth cools down, the compress is removed. Perform treatment before bedtime.
Compresses from sinusitis.
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