Citrus Dr.

Citrus Dr.

Citrus Dr.

I am pleased to tell you a little bit of interesting and useful information about citrus. Citrus Dr. The first doctor among them — this, of course, lemons.

For example, a cure for multiple sclerosis — to mix the juice of half a lemon, three-fourths cup of boiled water, 1 teaspoon of honey and drink at night.

How to keep youth? Stir for 1 hr. Spoonful of lemon juice, honey and sunflower oil. Take on an empty stomach.

Lemon juice is used as a laxative.

Agent can be prepared for cleaning of vessels and maintain blood pressure, and hence the prevention of angina, heart attacks, strokes. According to the two middle of lemon and orange cut into pieces, remove the seeds and mince. This mass is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. To sustain in a glass jar at room temperature overnight and refrigerate. Take 2-3 hours. Tablespoons a day with tea or before a meal.

At higher temperatures it is recommended as often as is possible lemons, of course, if not irritated throat. Water with lemon juice — an effective and harmless antipyretic.

The use of lemons in traditional medicine.

To cure a chronic cough, lemon simmer 10 minutes. It becomes soft (especially the skin) and from a large number of easily squeezed juice. Juice pour into a glass, add 2 tbsp. spoons of purified glycerin and stir everything thoroughly. Then fill the glass with the juice and honey. If not strong cough, then take 1 teaspoon per day, if the cough at night -… 1 teaspoon at night and 1 teaspoon before lunch. With a strong cough — 1 teaspoon in the morning, at lunch, after dinner and night.. With the weakening of cough reduce the number of receptions. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and in a cool place, shaken before use.

Not the worst curative properties are oranges and tangerines. But remember that orange juice and oranges themselves should be consumed 20-30 minutes before a meal, but not after it.

Peel oranges has valuable medicinal properties. If it is a little dry, soak for 3 days, changing the water several times to left bitterness, and then boil the fruit sugar over low heat for 30 minutes (at 500 grams of fruit sugar glass of water), then a week later obtained candied can drink tea or herbal teas.

Tangerines have a pronounced antifungal activity. Repeated rubbing slices of mandarin juice heals skin areas affected by fungus.

Citrus Dr.

Mix of fresh citrus fruits on rustic wood


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