Charges from mastopathy.

Charges from mastopathy.

Charges from mastopathy.

  1. Prepare the herbal collection: red brush, oregano, cornflower, sage, calendula. A tablespoon of the collection is placed in a glass of water and over low heat is brought to a boil. Allow a couple of hours to stand at room temperature and filter. Drink half a cup twice on a full stomach.
  2. Combine the fruits of fennel and caraway seeds, motherwort grass and valerian roots taken equally. Take 15 g of the collection and boil in a mug of water for several minutes after it boils. Drink three glasses three times on an empty stomach.
  3. Add to 30 g of leaves of the watch 15 g of valerian root and mint leaves. Pound and take 25 g. Boil ten minutes in 400 ml of water. Used in strained form in the morning and evening, ½ cup. Helps to get rid of the diffuse form of the disease.
    The recipe is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity to iodine.
  4. To five parts of caraway fruits add three — the colors of medicinal chamomile and two — the roots of valerian. A large spoonful of raw material in a glass of water is brought to a boil. After seven minutes, the cooking is removed from the heat and filtered. Drink ½ cup in the evenings.
  5. Equal root of licorice and marshmallow, wheatgrass rhizome and chamomile color are evenly connected. Two times less fennel fruits are added. 10 g of the mixture are boiled for ten minutes in a mug of moisture. They drink the broth warm — 1 tbsp. l twice a day.

Charges from mastopathy.

  1. The leaves of plantain and coltsfoot, the greens of oregano and garden currants, the grass of the fireweed, St. John’s wort, saberfoot, celandine, birch leaves and calendula flowers, yarrow and fruits of red mountain ash are connected evenly. The press is crushed. Two large spoons in 500 ml of water are boiled for half an hour and allowed to cool. Taken in strained form, a third of the cup up to five times a day.
  2. Equally connected are the leaves of birch, raspberry, St. John’s wort, rowan and rose hips, plantain greens, burdock root, chamomile and calendula flowers, sweet clover grass. Several spoons are taken from the collection and brought to a boil in a half liter of moisture. Insist a couple of hours and filter. Drink ½ cup four times a day with fibrocystic form of the disease in women.
  3. The following components are mixed in the same amount: corn stigmas, knotweed grass, shepherd’s greens, yarrow grass, fireweed grass, cuff greens, sweet clover herbs, birch leaves, hawthorn leaves, coltsfoot leaves, succession leaves, chicory grass, dill seeds, calendula color, horsetail grass, juniper needles, wormwood greens. Two large spoons are taken from the collection. In half a liter of moisture, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Allow to cool and filter. Drink 1/3 cup up to five times a day.
  4. According to 1 tbsp. l at home, the fruits of common mountain ash, the grass of St. John’s wort, the fruits of buckthorn buckthorn, the fruits of cranberries and marigold flowers are mixed. Three times more rose hips are introduced. Two handfuls are placed in a container with 0.75 liters of water and sent to the fire. After boiling, allow to boil for a quarter of an hour. Use ½ cup four times a day on an empty stomach.
  5. Ten grams combine cranberry and juniper fruit. Enter 35 g of the fruits of ordinary mountain ash and cones of black alder, 25 g of grass of common St. John’s wort and the roots of the Siberian penny. Ten small collection spoons are poured with two liters of moisture. After boiling, boil for twelve minutes. Squeeze the raw materials and introduce a glass of honey. Drink twice a day, three glasses on a full stomach with fibrocystic form.
Charges from mastopathy.
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