Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Treatment and prevention.
Osteochondrosis — is the deposition of salt?

Osteochondrosis is now widely regarded as a disease of the century. Even young people aged 30-40 are increasingly affected by it. Also leading a sedentary lifestyle.

When there is pain in the cervical spine, discomfort and crunch when you turn the head, usually a person believes that this is due to the deposition of salt. Although it is not quite so.

Indeed, calcium salts with mineral metabolism disorders are retained in ligaments and cartilage. This is only part of the disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

The essence of osteoarthritis is the destruction of bone tissue. Loss of elasticity of cartilage and ligaments.
The main thing with which the disease begins. This is a loss of elasticity of the intervertebral disc cartilage. At the same time, the disc becomes less elastic with time. It dries out. Bulges out. Torn, forming a hernia. Squeezes the vertebrae, passing near the nerves and blood vessels.

The bone structure of the vertebrae also suffers. They change their shape. The edges are no longer smooth. Become sharp. There are so-called thorns (osteophytes). Muscles due to constant irritation tense. Compressed and limit the mobility of the spine.

How dangerous cervical osteochondrosis?

The cervical spine is the most mobile and constantly loaded. Because it holds in position a rather massive head.
Osteochondrosis usually affects the most mobile elements of the spine. It is dangerous because there are many nerve endings and vessels in the neck. There are large vertebral arteries that supply blood to the brain. When squeezing the vertebral artery occurs oxygen starvation of the brain and spinal cord. There is a threat of ischemic stroke.

Continuous compression of nerves and blood vessels, their convulsions and inflammation lead to acute and chronic cerebral blood flow disorders. And also to the nervous regulation of internal organs. Consequently, for cervical osteochondrosis, there are headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure jumps, tachycardia, heart pain, numbness of the hands, hearing loss, eyesight.

Let’s look to the pharmacy.

Assist compresses bischofite. Aqueous solution of bischofite, a complex mixture. It consists of salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium and a large number of trace elements. Bishofit has been used successfully in the form of applications in osteochondrosis of different parts of the spine. Also for osteoarthritis and arthritis.

The treatment is carried out as follows. Bishofit heated to 40 ° C is poured into a saucer. Soak your fingers in it. Slightly rub the sore spots of the cervical spine for 5-7 minutes. Then the remaining brine is impregnated with a piece of gauze. Squeeze out excess. Apply to the painful neck area. Cover with paper for packs or plastic wrap on top. Tie the top with a woolen scarf or scarf. Procedures are performed at night. Leave the wrap for 7-8 hours.

In the morning wash the remnants of bischofite with warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 12-14 procedures per day.

If there are signs of skin irritation, allergic reactions, treatment is canceled. Older people with impaired cardiovascular system shorten the procedure to 4-6 hours.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Applications with Dimexidum.

Dimexidum — medical drug used for the treatment of inflammation and pain of the musculoskeletal system. Dimexidum penetrates deep into the tissue, improves blood circulation and is a conductor of a plurality of drugs, increasing their absorption through intact skin. For therapeutic purposes, using dimexide diluted 2-3 times with boiled water (concentrated drug can cause severe burns to the skin!).

To test the sensitivity of the skin in a small section of the elbow with a cotton swab smeared with undiluted solution Dimexidum, normally have felt tingling or tingling of the skin. In marked itching, burning, redness of the skin with the application Dimexidum contraindicated.

Breeding Dimexidum impregnated with a piece of gauze or a bandage is applied to a painful neck area is not more than 20-25 minutes, then blot the excess product with a cotton swab, but the impact of the place do not wash 5-6 hours.
The treatment course is 10-15 procedures every day or — depending on the individual sensitivity of the skin.

To enhance the analgesic effect of 100 ml final solution can be added or dipyrone ampoule novocaine.

Do not forget about ipplikator Kuznetsova.

Needle ipplikator Kuznetsova remains popular for many years and is designed to relieve pain in muscles, joints, spine.

By stimulating biologically active points on the skin, it relieves muscle spasms and pain, normalizes blood circulation and spinal motor segments. In patients with cervical osteochondrosis ipplikator it can be used for chronic and acute pain.

To this end, it is applied to the back of the neck and collar area, press down arms within the pain tolerance, and hold for 5-6 minutes, changing the point of contact with the skin every 40-60 seconds — as if massaging ipplikator neck. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day to a significant weakening or disappearance of pain. Regular use ipplikator Kuznetsova has a general tonic effect, improves cerebral blood circulation, relieves fatigue, dizziness, normalizes sleep.

Pepper plaster is widely used as a distraction, an anesthetic with radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis, and various types of degenerative disc disease.

Do not forget about ipplikator Kuznetsova.

There are two ways of laying pepper patch: a single sheet the entire painful area and the point when the cut pieces of the patch about the size of 1×1 cm and glued on the acupressure points.

The latter is achieved by a more pronounced effect and less consumed patch.

Find the desired acupressure points is quite simple: Bend your head forward, bringing your chin to your chest as possible. The tip of the index finger of his right hand lead from the top down by the back midline of the neck, in the end it will be the last speaker of the 7th vertebra (spinous process). Glue a piece of pepper patch in the recess below the speaker of the 7th vertebra. Then, in the next dimple protruding vertebra affix another piece of plaster.

Pepper plaster are, without removing, for 1-2 days, then change. The skin patch is degreased before bonding with alcohol or cologne and wipe dry.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

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