Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category

Treatment and prevention of halitosis.

Treatment and prevention of halitosis.

Treatment and prevention of halitosis. Start to read HERE >>>>>>>>> Treatment and prevention of halitosis. Many believe that in order to fully eliminate bad breath is enough to use freshener or gum. However, over time they realize that these tools provide only a temporary effect. In actually, if you want to completely get rid of […]

Food for cancer patients.

Food for cancer patients.

Food for cancer patients. Food for cancer patients. Combined Juice therapy at Gerson. treatment system and overall health based on the main principles of naturopathy in conjunction with Live Juice Therapy and special detoxification procedures.

Medicinal properties of cabbage.

Medicinal properties of cabbage.

Medicinal properties of cabbage. Medicinal properties of cabbage. What does the sauerkraut? From pickled cabbage healthier and more beautiful we are! When pickled cabbage is combined with sugar. As a result, lactic acid bacteria turn into lactic acid. This determines the special taste of sauerkraut.



Teeth-centenarians. Teeth-centenarians. Someone is trying to justify the lack of attention to their health, he said that we come into this world with no teeth and should leave it the same. But here’s the question: I know a lot of people who have lived to a ripe old age (90 years or more) and save […]



Cleansing. Without the cleansing there is no healing. «Waterway» to health. Clean the body better resists any infections, and when cleaning during illness faster to cope with it. Drinking enough fresh water — a necessary condition for maintaining health and slowing the aging process. We need to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day — […]



Teeth. Teeth. What will help the gums? Everyone knows that you need to take care of your teeth, but we often forget about the gums. Periodontitis. But gum disease — periodontitis — almost the main cause of tooth loss. By the treatment of periodontal disease must be approached comprehensively. It is important not to lose […]

HERBS FOR thyroid.

HERBS FOR thyroid.

HERBS FOR thyroid. Thyroid treatment. Treatment of diseases of folk remedies. HERBS FOR thyroid. I’ve been on my experience that the best remedy for diseases of the thyroid gland — is viburnum. Every year it is harvested. Take Kalina necessary daily 1-2 tbsp. spoon berries with a teaspoon of honey, washed down with hot water.