Archive for the ‘Rheumatoid arthritis’ Category

Arthritis pain relief.

Arthritis pain relief.

Help the joints. Arthritis pain relief. Arthritis pain relief. With age, many suffer from joint pain. Arthritis pain relief. And how you do not want to become immobile because of this! So we try to treat our joints with affordable, but at the same time, effective folk remedies. We treat ourselves and we exchange recipes. […]

Finger joint pain.

Finger joint pain.

Bariatric therapy for joints Finger joint pain. You can tell a lot about the life-giving power of needles, but today I will touch on one, rather narrow, side of its application — use for pain in joints. Coniferous brooms. In the treatment of joint diseases, an important role is played by «bath procedures». But it […]

Rheumatoid arthritis cure.

Rheumatoid arthritis cure.

Rheumatoid arthritis cure. The origin of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Rheumatoid arthritis cure. It is also unknown to radically treat it. Patients are concerned about constant pain. They can be aching, gnawing, intense, amplified by any movement. There is a morning stiffness in the joints, which passes during the day. Often the joints are swollen. […]

Rheumatoid arthritis medications.

Rheumatoid arthritis medications.

Treatment of joints. Rheumatoid arthritis medications. Here are some folk remedies for the treatment of joints. After all, such ailments have they are widespread. Especially among the elderly. 50 g of bay leaf and 300 ml of water boil for 5-8 minutes. 2 hours to insist in the thermos. Then wring out. Decoction to drink […]

Joint pain.

Joint pain.

If disturbing salt deposits. Joint pain. Joint pain. If you are concerned about the deposition of salts, it is desirable to do a blood test for the content of uric acid. And if the content of uric acid is increased, it is necessary to exclude from the food foods rich in purines: meat, poultry, fish, liver, […]

Back pain treatment.

Back pain treatment.

Compress for the spine. Back pain treatment. Already many years at attacks of an osteochondrosis, and with it or him my acquaintance has taken place very much for a long time, I do or make a compress. Back pain treatment. First you need to take evenly the celandine, aloe, mallow and pepper bitter, and grind all […]

Chronic leg pain.

Chronic leg pain.

The secret of light legs. Chronic leg pain. Many women, especially in the summer months, complain about the heaviness in the legs and their swelling. Chronic leg pain. The reason is poor blood circulation, often aggravated by too long pastime sitting or standing. And walking on heels does not promote health. Gives tone to tired […]