Archive for the ‘Nervous diseases’ Category

Insomnia treatment.

Insomnia treatment.

Sleep and vitality. Insomnia treatment. About fragrant plants. Fragrant plants can be used in soothing baths that promote a good sleep. • Good conifer bath. Take a bath in the evening before sleep. • Here you can prepare a bath of marigold flowers, oregano and mint. For 50 g of each plant, insist in 3 […]

About chicken eggs.

About chicken eggs.Ten reasons to include in the diet of chicken eggs.Healthy foods to eat.We share with you interesting facts about the beneficial properties of chicken eggs, which once again prove that this product should be in our diet.

Calm nerves.

Calm nerves.

Calm nerves. Nerves treatment at home. Lovage — this herb is not simple, but dosage. Although it is often used as a flavored seasoning. Calm nerves. Especially good lovage for nervous diseases. If you feel bad, experience a «heart out of place.» It will help, but not the leaves and the root. I helped heal […]

Herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements. Healing Supplements. Virtually all housewives enjoy cooking spices. But many do not know what useful and medicinal properties these acute additives possess. And meanwhile: RED PEPPER stimulates appetite, improves blood circulation, increases sweating, promotes the release of the intestines, expels worms. It is used for colds, coughs and constipation. Accepting two capsules 2-3 […]

In stressful conditions.

In stressful conditions.

In stressful conditions. In stressful conditions. I want you to write recipes for traditional medicine. Which you chose yourself. Tried in different periods of his life. In my opinion, they are simple, but they need a lot of people in our time of stress and haste. It so happened that over the last decade I […]

Epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment. Epilepsy treatment. Medicine for «nerves». All diseases of the nerves. Also, the nervous system needs treatment and support. I offer recipes to help deal with some of the “nervous” problems. • When applying, apply pads to the sore spots, filled with elderberry flowers and chamomile. • In violation of the nervous system. Pour […]

Flower rescued from pain.

Flower rescued from pain.

Flower rescued from pain. Flower rescued from pain. For some reason, I have neuralgia. And the fact is that the tablet does not always help. Therefore, when my wife invited me to try an effective folk recipe. I just waved it off. I take painkillers stronger than at the time that the doctor advised. But […]