Archive for the ‘liver’ Category

Biliary dyskinesia.

Biliary dyskinesia.

Liver disease. Biliary dyskinesia.  Why are there violations? Biliary dyskinesia — a violation of the motor-evacuation function of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which is reflected in untimely, incomplete or excessive contraction of the gallbladder and sphincter. Biliary dyskinesia. And yet, in spite of the prevalence of these diseases, the question arises, why do they […]

Melanoma Treatment

Melanoma Treatment

Melanoma Treatment Melanoma is a malignant tumor formed from pigment cells producing melanin that resembles a nevus (birthmark). The factors provoking the rapid growth of melanoma include getting a severe sunburn, the presence of trophic ulcers or scars at the bend of the limb. The relative risk of a tumor is associated with a photo-type […]

Extract from artichoke.

Extract from artichoke.

Extract from artichoke. Useful properties and methods of application. Extract from artichoke. The artichoke is a phenomenal plant belonging to the Astrov family. It is actively used in many fields of activity. We offer you to get acquainted with a unique therapeutic extract made from this culture. The healing properties of the remedy. reduces stagnation […]