Archive for the ‘headache’ Category

Help a sore head.

Help a sore head.

Help a sore head.

Herbs from the pressure.

Herbs from the pressure.

Herbs from the pressure. Herbs from the pressure. Hypertension is very common, every second with her sign. But the disease can be overcome, for this there are many ways. In my opinion, it is especially effective recipes with herbs:

When a headache.

When a headache.

When a headache. Here are some recipes from a headache: If the headache caused by anemia and general weakening of the body (at the same time there is expansion of the pupil, the fall pulse forehead suddenly becomes cold), you need to tightly tie a head scarf, and lie down so that the head and […]

How to deal with migraines.

How to deal with migraines.

How to deal with migraines. What is migraine is known to many. Who experienced it on their own sad experience. How to deal with migraines. He, bypassing this disease, is unlikely to explain. What inhuman torment she is capable of delivering. But the worst thing is that it is still difficult to find a really […]


Migraine. Relief for migraine headaches.One of the serious diseases associated with vascular disorders, migraine is. Migraine attacks manifested throbbing headache, often in the frontal, temporal and orbital areas. According to different authors, migraine affects up to 20% of the world population.

headache relief.

headache relief. causes of headaches. With age, no matter how strong you are, strength and health are gradually fading. This is the law of life. headache relief. So in my case it was the same. Retirement health began to fail, constantly aching and sore. To many of my ailments I even got used to it […]