Archive for the ‘headache’ Category

Charges for hypertension.

Charges for hypertension.

Charges for hypertension. Mix 10 g of motherwort, spring adonis, mustard seed powder and hawthorn fruit. Add 15 g of valerian root, buckthorn bark, dried cinnamon and yarrow, 20 g of bird mountaineer grass. A glass of boiling water is steamed 1 tbsp. l collection. After cooling, filtered. Used for hypertension in the elderly, a […]

Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension treatment. Hypertension (hypertension, hypertension) is understood as one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system, characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure. A pathological condition is inherent in 30% of the adult population. Among people over 65 years of age, indicators increase to 65%. Bathtubs Taking therapeutic baths at home helps […]

Charges from arrhythmia.

Charges from arrhythmia.

Charges from arrhythmia. Take 25 grams of sunflower petals, the roots of the field gland and birch leaves. Add 10 grams of spring adonis. The crushed mixture in the amount of a dessert spoon is poured into a glass of hot water. It is kept on low heat for about ten minutes after boiling. A […]

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis. With damage to the vessels of the legs, horse chestnut tincture is recommended. 20 grams of flowers are kept under cover in a glass of vodka for two weeks. Thirty drops are taken per day, repeating three times. Treatment lasts about 30 days. […]

Atherosclerosis treatment.

Atherosclerosis treatment.

Atherosclerosis treatment. Atherosclerosis is understood as a chronic disease characterized by the formation of plaque cholesterol plaques and fats on the walls of arteries. At the same time, the walls themselves lose their elasticity and become denser. Pathology contributes to narrowing of the lumen of the arteries and complicates the flow of blood. If the […]

HOW TO STOP Migraine.

HOW TO STOP Migraine.

HOW TO STOP Migraine.

Prevention and treatment of migraine.

Prevention and treatment of migraine.

Prevention and treatment of migraine. Prevention and treatment of migraine. Natural remedy for headache. The condition of patients in the interictal period is different. At one comes complete well-being, while others found various signs of vascular dystonia. There are pain in the heart, palpitations, fainting, dizziness, abdominal pain.