Archive for the ‘headache’ Category

Treatment hypertension.

Treatment hypertension.

Healer of my heart. Treatment hypertension. In 50 years, had an attack of angina pectoris, the pain was such that lying is paralyzed, afraid to move. Treatment hypertension. Doctors in one voice assured that this is a serious, incurable heart disease can lead to heart attack and I definitely need to be treated seriously — […]

Heart disease.

Heart disease.

How to treat bradycardia folk remedies. Heart disease. Bradycardia, along with tachycardia, is a type of arrhythmia. Heart disease. With it, there is a decrease in heart rate. As a result, the heart pumps a smaller amount of blood, organs, especially the brain, receive little oxygen. Constant repetition of such conditions can lead to disruption […]

Head injury.

Head injury.

Head injury. Head trauma: what to do? To get rid of a headache, you need to reduce intracranial pressure. Head injury. I will give several phytotherapeutic prescriptions to reduce intracranial pressure. • Firstly, it is a recipe using green tea. A teaspoonful Green tea, pour 50 ml of boiling water, insist for a minute, then […]

Atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation.

Arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation. Lily of the valley and gorisvet adjust the rhythm of the heart. Of the affordable and safest medicinal plants that regulate the heart rhythm, lily of the valley and gorichvet are usually used, since they contain cardiac glycosides. It is better to prepare from these medicinal plants drops on alcohol. For example, […]

Vertigo treatment.

Vertigo treatment.

Vertigo treatment. Treatment and first aid for dizziness.  Vertigo treatment. If you ask people with frequent dizziness to describe their condition. You can get several answers. Many experience «rotation» inside the head. Others say that their head «swims». And some only «affect». Medical care for dizziness should be ensured. If a person too often violates […]

Arrhythmia treatment.

Arrhythmia treatment.

Arrhythmia treatment. Phytotea for complex treatment For complex treatment of atrial fibrillation, phytotea with the following composition is recommended: herb grass, lily of the valley grass, mint grass, vinca grass, hawthorn flowers, melissa grass, chestnut flowers, sweet clover grass, ivan-tea grass, taken in equal quantities. Method of consumption: pour a tablespoon of salt into a […]

Spasms of the brain.

Spasms of the brain.

Spasms of the brain. What to do? Spasms of the brain. I recommend using herbs that improve cerebral circulation. Such grasses include a periwinkle small and ginkgo white. They are good at relieving spasms of the brain. Tablespoon grass vinca pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist until cooled, strain. The resulting infusion should […]