Archive for the ‘colds’ Category

Live Hair.

Live Hair.

Live Hair. the use of traditional medicine. Live Hair. There is a flower home — «Live Hair», «Golden mustache», «Home ginseng.» When he grows up to 60-70 cm, it provides the boom length with the meter (but the longer, the better). It is this boom chop in a quart jar, fill one-third of the container […]

Treatment and prevention of influenza.

Treatment and prevention of influenza.

Treatment and prevention of influenza. Flu symptoms and treatment. Treatment and prevention of influenza. I want to bring your attention to. All respiratory infections are transmitted not only by airborne droplets. This is a cough, sneezing sick. But the contact method also works. This is through a handshake, towels, household items. ! Therefore, it is […]

Chronic pulmonary disease.

Chronic pulmonary disease.

Healthy Lungs. Chronic pulmonary disease. Providing the body with oxygen and removing excess carbon dioxide from it is the main, but not the only, function of the lungs. They form very important for the body fat-like substances, accumulate different elements of blood (leukocytes, platelets), as well as the lungs affect the processes of blood clotting […]

Holy grass.

Holy grass.

ISSOP — holy grass. Holy grass. Wound healing, treatment for stomach ulcers, headache relief, liver disease. This is a wonderful medicinal plant. Use it in the therapeutic practice of Avicenna. He believed that «drinking hyssop is beneficial to the face, and blushing removes the scars on his face.» He also wrote that «hyssop is brewed and […]

Herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements. Healing Supplements. Virtually all housewives enjoy cooking spices. But many do not know what useful and medicinal properties these acute additives possess. And meanwhile: RED PEPPER stimulates appetite, improves blood circulation, increases sweating, promotes the release of the intestines, expels worms. It is used for colds, coughs and constipation. Accepting two capsules 2-3 […]

garlic treatment.

garlic treatment.

garlic treatment. Always rescue garlic. Garlic helps me always, a real lifesaver. From all ills helps me, I do not remember the last time I spoke to the doctors. For example, as soon as runny nose begins, garlic juice is squeezed on cotton wool and invest tamponchiki nostrils. The rhinitis is gone! And hypertension garlic […]

Elixir Health.

Elixir Health.

Cocktail «Health». Elixir Health: Elixir Health. There are a lot of elixirs, cocktails, tinctures of interesting and miraculous . For example, lemon-garlic elixir heals joints, resolves blood clots, increases immunity, protects against influenza. Through the meat grinder you need to scroll 4 heads of garlic and 4 lemons with skin, but without seeds.