Best skin care products.

Best skin care products.

Juicy cosmetics. Best skin care products.

In summer, as much as possible, use in your diet energy-filled suns, valuable vitamins and microelements. They are rich in fruits and berries cleansing our body pectins. They not only add to you health and vivacity, but also bring beauty, freshness to your skin. Best skin care products.

Best skin care products.

And, of course, do not forget that all the fruits and berries that we use in nutrition can be applied to the face in the form of masks or wipe the skin of the face with juice from them. There are no restrictions!
In your garden and on the shelves of fruit stalls you will find natural cosmetics, which in their effectiveness are quite comparable with expensive imported cosmetics. You just want to be beautiful, some knowledge and a creative approach to your appearance.

Toning masks.

• Masks from raspberry pulp excellently tone the skin. Smooth fine wrinkles. Produce a rejuvenating effect.
For oily skin, this mask is suitable.
To whipped egg whites, add 2 teaspoons of mashed raspberries and apply this mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the mask with cool water.
To care for dry skin, combine raspberry juice with raw milk in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

Best skin care products.

• If you are a happy owner of normal skin, it is best in the morning, after awakening, mash a few berries of raspberries and rub them face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.

Masks from the flesh of apricot or peach are used for any skin as nourishing masks for facial wrinkles. Flesh the ripe fruits on the face for 10 minutes, then wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Such masks moisturize the skin and make it velvety.

Masks from the flesh of apricot or peach are used for any skin as nourishing masks for facial wrinkles. Flesh the ripe fruits on the face for 10 minutes, then wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Such masks moisturize the skin and make it velvety.

Grape cleanses the skin and improves complexion. It is useful in the morning and evening to lubricate the skin with a tampon moistened with grape juice. After drying the juice, wipe the face with cotton wool or a swab dipped in boiled water and well wrung out.

Whiten the skin.

• It is advisable to use strawberries (garden strawberries) to whiten the skin. The fresh juice of this berry can be used to remove acne and age spots. It is advisable to use strawberries for masks that you can do similar to raspberry masks: for oily skin, mix it with egg white, for dry — with raw milk.

• To combat freckles, you can make a mixture based on blackcurrant juice. Take 30 g of juice of black currant berries, lemon juice and marigold grass juice, combine them with 40 g of almond or olive oil. With this mixture, daily lubricate areas of the skin on which there are freckles.

Recipes for everyone.

• The plum pulp is useful for caring for oily, porous skin. The plum pulp (you can add a few drops of almond, peach or olive oil) to the skin for 5-7 minutes, then remove with dry cotton wool and wipe the face with decoction of chamomile or cornflowers.

• The berries of gooseberry mash and apply to oily skin for 10 minutes.

• For dry skin — mix crushed gooseberries with raw milk or with flakes of oatmeal. Apply on face for 10 minutes.

• Apply a mask of a rich blackberry, especially vitamin C, black currant on the face for 30 minutes, after mixing the gruel from it with an equal amount of oatmeal.

• Apples provide good care for flabby, dry skin.
First, you can wipe your face with fresh apple juice, leaving it on your face for 20 minutes.
Secondly, you can bake an apple in the oven and apply the flesh of the baked apple to your face for 1 hour, then remove the mask and apply a nourishing cream.

Take note.

• If you have dry skin, prepare a makeup for fruit and berry masks, mixing a teaspoon of any berry or fruit juice with a pre-ground egg yolk. Wash off these masks first with warm water and then with cold water.

• If you have oily porous skin, then whisk egg white until a thick foam, add juice of any mashed fresh berries or fruits to it. Wash off these masks with warm water.

• Berry and fruit masks can be made in winter from frozen fruits and berries, having defrosted them — so think about what berries you can stock up for winter face care.



Best skin care products.

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