Allergy medicine.

Allergy medicine.

My savior is celery. Allergy medicine.

When traditional medicine prevented me from allergies, I decided to turn to folk remedies and started searching in books.
And in all publications the most powerful and effective means was called celery.

treatment with. Used for the treatment of leaves, petioles, roots and seeds of celery.
Fresh green juice is prepared from greenery and petioles. It is more effective than a decoction or infusion. But since I started treatment in the winter, I had to use an infusion of seeds, ground into powder in a metal mortar. And this infusion very well helped me in the treatment of allergies.

However, in the process of getting to know this amazing plant, I realized that celery is good not only for allergy sufferers.
So, in folk medicine, celery is used to improve appetite and digestion, as a diuretic and analgesic.
For this, infusion of roots and leaves is prepared. Celery is also very valuable as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and light laxative.

And also celery raises the general tone of the body, enhances physical and mental performance.
Water infusion of roots and leaves is used for allergic urticaria and dermatitis, edema and constipation, liver and kidney disease, gout.

In case of painful menstruation and urolithiasis, the water infusion of the seeds is effective.
Infusion of crushed celery roots is used for cardiovascular diseases, this infusion is especially useful for ischemic heart disease.
When diabetes is preparing an infusion of grass or celery roots.
This infusion has a beneficial effect on sleep, endocrine and nervous systems.
At an alcoholism the fresh juice of roots is recommended. Infusion of roots and leaves is used as an external remedy (for washing) for the rapid healing of purulent wounds and ulcers.
For the treatment of obesity and nervous diseases, celery is also used, since it beneficially affects the nervous and endocrine systems and together so on the processes of metabolism.
Celery is used in diet and cooking.

Preparations from celery are prepared as follows:

• Decoction of celery seeds:
2 teaspoons of seeds pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Drink to 2-3 tbsp. Spoons 2-3 times a day.

• Celery infusion:
1 tbsp. Spoon fresh celery roots in a closed vessel, pour 1.5 cups of cold boiled water, stand for 4 hours, strain, squeeze, take 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.


Allergy medicine.

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One Response to “Allergy medicine.”

  1. […] to select medicinal plants for the complex treatment of this particular allergy should be carefully. Allergy treatment. And in the beginning, against the background of a diet […]

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