Wound healing.

Wound healing.

Calm the grass.

Calm-grass — so called in the people all the plants that remove and relieve the pain with bruises. About these herbs, or rather about the recipes with them, I and I want to tell you.

• Pound until fresh juice of fresh herb wormwood and apply to the affected area.
In case of a severe injury, apply a thicker layer and change as often as possible, not allowing it to dry out.
Or brew a dry herb wormwood to get a thick gruel.
Cool it and apply it to the bruised areas as cold lotions.

• You can also use fresh juice from grated onions, juice
Parsley garden, they are used as a compress.
Apply to the bruised places the crushed herb St. John’s wort, the fresh leaves of plantain, crushed parsley leaves, change every 3-4 hours.

• Mix 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey with 2 tbsp. Spoons of natural cottage cheese. Put the received mass for 2 days on the bruised place, having fixed with a bandage.

Wound healing.

• Mix 2 tbsp. Spoons of body spas with 1 tbsp. A spoonful of water or 1 tbsp. Spoonful of fresh water with
1 tbsp. Spoon of sunflower oil.
Put the resulting dough on the affected area.

• In case of chest bruises, it is useful to take 1 tablet inside. Spoon 3-4 times a day, a herb infusion of St. John’s wort:
1 tbsp. Spoon the raw material with a glass of steep boiling water, close tightly cover, wrap.
Insist an hour and strain.
Cold packs make compresses.

• If a wound formed during a injury and you need to stop bleeding and accelerate healing, use the following tips:
— chop the fresh grass of the yarrow, put the gruel on the wound and fix it with a bandage, do not forget to change it every 2-3 times a day;
— wring out the yarrow juice, moisten the tampon and attach to the wound — change the swab as it dries;

Wound healing.
— as a powder on the wound, you can use a powder of dry rhizomes of aira marsh.

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