What diet to choose?

What diet to choose

What diet to choose? 

Diet Doctor Bircham-Binner. Lose Weight correctly!

There are many popular diets that promote rapid weight loss. What diet to choose? But they tend to break in the body’s metabolism. That’s why after a short period of weight loss it increases again. And most importantly, that in this case the person has poor health and even deteriorating appearance. We also offer a weight loss diet, recommended by Dr. Bircher-Binner.

Methods Bircher-Binner combines the treatment. Also recovery of lost health with sustained weight loss. We add only that the success of such a diet is confirmed by many years of clinical practice.

! Diet Doctor Bircham-Binner is designed for a week. It is preceded by Fruit juice fasting day. But no one is recommended for the first time to use this diet without medical supervision during the first 3 days.

Finally, the approximate daily menu for people with the big weight and high blood pressure.

What diet to choose?

Early morning. Hot water.
Breakfast. Tea made from red clover, stewed fresh fruit and a small cup of porridge.
Dinner. Lean meat (poultry, rabbit, lamb) with salad or cooked non-starchy vegetables and a baked potato in the peel or slice of pumpkin with butter.
Snack. Is there any fresh fruit or baked.
Dinner. A large number of fiber zucchini or beans (or green leaf yellow young beans); or lean meat (like lunch), or fruit or vegetable soup.

The dream of superfigure: Making the wasp waist.

Only 20% of women have a form that suits them. Forty percent would like to change it. Of course, in the direction of harmony. All the others are indifferent to their figure. 40% of dissatisfied — too much. Especially considering the fact that now the ideal form is not strictly defined. As it happened in the past.

It is obvious that such an ideal is very much dependent on fashion and tastes of the time.

Ladnaya, strong and without excess weight.

This description of the ideal figure of our time. After all, the time of the Baroque, pyshnochuvstvennyh women and dramatically flatten all the female bulge «poles» to fortunately, they are gone. Long and lean, too, is no longer in vogue.

What diet to choose?

Do not dream about the current and ideal woman’s standards (95-58-90). This is the time of Marilyn Monroe. Although some ideal female figure still exists. But this is not so sharply outlined. It is described quite arbitrarily, with the words «strong and good».

In the modern idea of an ideal figure, the individual characteristics of a woman are taken into account. The main requirement is the proportionality of the numbers. It must be strong, smart, mobile. And without excess weight.

The first emphasis on «ideal weight» is no longer valid. Scientists and nutritionists are set in the direction of «being the best weight». It allows a woman to be healthier and more beautiful.

If you want to bring your body into a better shape, you can act in two ways. Develop all the qualities and abilities that you want to have. To correct aberrations associated with unhealthy lifestyles.

! We add only that all attempts to change the innate biological data by means of radical diets or grueling workouts end hospital.

Is not affected and the body constitution. Our skeleton asks us to «frame.» Therefore, the ability to model a figure with the help of shaping or power limited. But to reduce the waist exercise will help! So…

Perform exercises.

Start with small classes is recommended warm-up, which will prepare all groups of abdominal muscles to strain. Each exercise is sufficient to give 3-5 minutes, you can make several approaches, alternating them.

1. Stand up straight and try to draw as much as possible, and then stuck out his belly. Focus on professional belly dance -delayte it as fast as you can.
This exercise will help to get oxygen to the muscles and internal organs.

2. Master the job with a hoop. When was the last time you saw a hula hoop as a child, the first will not be easy to keep him at the waist, but eventually you get used to. A month later sessions ordinary hoop is replaced by the weighted — full of sand or some other filler.

3. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Make circular movements the body to one side, then the other.

4. Lean forward, keeping your back straight. The palms should touch the floor first, then the left and then the right foot.

5. If you have a «health drive» — the metal simulator helpful whirl it several times. 

Normalize diet.

Eat every day foods that contain fiber: vegetables, grains and legumes, you can supplement their bio-additives. Fiber absorbs fats and removes toxins from the body.

! Do not deprive your body of calcium — it helps to burn fat mainly in the abdomen and waist.

For this, it is recommended to eat spinach, blueberries, blackberries, yogurt and oatmeal.
Spinach and other leafy vegetables contain fatty acids and folic acid. They participate in hematopoiesis and strengthen the regenerative functions of the body. Folic acid promotes the absorption of sugars and amino acids.

Yogurt and yogurt contain a large number of living bacteria. They strengthen the immune system. Improve the function of the digestive system. Blueberries and currants, blueberries and currants Additives are a delightful source of antioxidants.

Oatmeal or cereals are the best food for those who want to lose weight.
Build your diet based on these foods. Load yourself with exercises on the press. And forward to the conquest of men’s hearts!
And, perhaps, the last: remember that beauty is important, but do not make a cult out of it!


What diet to choose

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