Weight loss at home.

Weight loss at home.

Weight loss at home.

How to lose weight quickly.

Fasting days.

If you ask nutritionists, the way to lose weight and keep weight is the most effective and safe. They are unanimously called fasting days. Under them means the kind of low-calorie diets contrast. Used 1-2 times a week.

These days are especially useful against the background of a balanced diet.

It is best to use different types of discharges. Use completely different products.
Potatoes, apples, vegetables, dairy products, etc.

Using fasting days is like shaking up the body. During which a man loses from 500 g to 1 kg of weight. But keep in mind that contrasting diets have a certain uniformity. Break the balance of power. They should not be used more than once. Most often — twice a week. And it is better to alternate: the day of beef, vegetable day, day of milk and so on.

Weight loss at home.

Fasting days are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
When alternating fasting days, it is better to take this moment into account. Choose a different type of excretion: carbohydrates, proteins.

This method of alternating fasting days is most effective and physiological.
We offer you several options for processing days.

How to lose weight quickly

Carbohydrate DAYS.

Fruit day. During the day, eat half a kilogram of oranges or apples. Divide the entire amount into six receptions.

Watermelon Day. Two kilograms of watermelon pulp, divided into six receptions.

Vegetable day. Half a kilo of cucumbers, cabbage or tomatoes. Who need to eat during the day for the same six receptions.

Potato Day. For meals six receptions used two kilograms of boiled potatoes. Two cups of kefir can be further drunk.

Day of dried fruit. Dried fruits compote. The daily dose is 250 g, water — up to a liter. Drink a glass of compote 5 times a day.
For reference. The diet contains 120 g of carbohydrates, 4.5 g of protein, the energy value of 500-510 kcal.

Juice Day. This is a liter of fruit juice made from natural fresh fruits. Divided into 4-6 servings and drink throughout the day.

Protein DAYS.

Curd day — six times a day to eat 100 grams of semi-skimmed curd, three times a day to drink a glass of unsweetened tea. Permission is granted to use water as necessary.

Fish Day — split 400 grams of lean boiled river fish (perch, pike-perch, pike) on six receptions. Additionally, you can drink two cups of coffee or tea with milk.

Meat Day — Boil, without salt 400 grams of lean meat, divide it into four stages, each of which can be washed down with a glass of tea without sugar. Water ad libitum.

Day of cheese and eggs — for breakfast you can eat 100 grams of cheese and a glass of black coffee with a slice of sugar. Lunch consists of two soft-boiled eggs and a cup of weak tea with a slice of sugar. Dinner is served 200 grams of cheese and a cup of weak tea with sugar piece.

How to lose weight quickly.


Fat fasting days should apply to people who have no digestive diseases and cardiovascular system.

Day cream — during the day you need to drink 600 ml of cream equal meals every three hours. Additionally allowed coffee or strong tea without sugar.

Sour cream day — five times a day to eat 100 grams of sour cream and drink 2 cups of coffee with milk without sugar.

Weight loss at home.


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