Treatment Multiple sclerosis.

Treatment Multiple sclerosis.

Helps traditional medicine.

Treatment Multiple sclerosis.

In the fight against multiple sclerosis can be a great help drug of traditional medicine that inhibit the progression of the disease, improve nerve conduction, reduce or relieve painful neurological symptoms.


A popular treatment for multiple sclerosis is a tincture of Echinops Sphaerocephalus — widespread plant Central Russian band, the Urals, the Far East. From drug to frequently used fruits Echinops tincture and decoction of the seeds. Seeds harvested at maturity — faded head should be collected and dried in the open air, after — and wipe clean.

! It should be remembered that Echinops — the plant is poisonous, the dose should not be exceeded.

Furthermore, it is addictive, while canceling may experience headaches.
To avoid this, it is recommended in parallel with drinking infusions take mummy — 0.1 g 2 times a day, dissolving it in your mouth.

! In severe hypertensive disease Echinops drugs can not be used!


For treatment with larkspur setchatoplodnoy (delphinium) used aqueous extract or tincture.

• Tincture: 30 g of chopped dry grass to insist in 0.5 liters of vodka 3 weeks, shaking every day, filtered. Take drops scheme: 10 days 15 drops 3 times a day with 1/4 cup of water for 20 minutes before a meal, followed by 10 days of 20 drops three times a day, 10 days later 30 drops, then 10 drops of 20 days on days 10 and 15 drops.

! Larkspur — highly poisonous plant, the dosage can not be exceeded, and this treatment plant should only be under medical supervision!
In parallel with the treatment recommended larkspur reception mummy: 5 grams per half a cup of boiled water, stir thoroughly. Drink 1 h. Spoon 3 times daily before meals.

Bee products.

Significantly improves the condition of patients with treatment of bee products.

• Recommended intake of propolis tincture — 30 drops to 50 ml of water three times a day (30 minutes after receiving the mummies).

• Royal Jelly mixed with honey in the ratio of 1:20, take 1 h. Spoon every morning, dissolving in the mouth.

• Pollen take 1 h. Spoon 2 times a day.

• Ointments based on bee venom is rubbed into the spine area daily.

Complex tincture.

Dried flowers of red clover — 3 parts of grass. Astragalus woollyflower — 2 parts. Herbs stevia — 1 part. Flowers of the must. John — 1 part.
1 cup of the mixture add 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in warmth. From time to time, shake. Soak for 1 hour.
Spoon the tincture 3 times a day with 1/4 glass of water before eating. The course of admission is 3-4 weeks. Break is a week.

Use for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and the plant gingko biloba, the finished product of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy. Gingko protects the blood vessels of the brain, improves blood circulation, vision, memory.


In the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis is indispensable pine or spruce needles. Take 5 tablespoons. tablespoons chopped fresh needles pine or spruce, add 1 tbsp. spoon rosehips and hawthorn and 2 tbsp. spoon onion peel, pour 1 liter of water and simmer 10 minutes, insisting 6:00, filter. Drink half a cup 4-5 times a day, taking up to 2-3 months, then a break of 2 weeks.




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