Treatment hypertension.

Treatment hypertension.

Healer of my heart.

Treatment hypertension.

In 50 years, had an attack of angina pectoris, the pain was such that lying is paralyzed, afraid to move. Treatment hypertension. Doctors in one voice assured that this is a serious, incurable heart disease can lead to heart attack and I definitely need to be treated seriously — to quit work, not to run, not compete gravity, taking nitroglycerin.

Treatment hypertension.

At first I did so, but then smart people suggested that nitroglycerin — is not an option.

Treat heart need herbs, and the only way to regain their health and return to a normal, active life.

For the treatment I chose Hawthorn, is the surest way to the heart. He began to drink the infusion, but did not expect quick results. The main treatment — patience. Infusion of hawthorn I prepared this way: in a pot to sleep 5, Art. berry spoons and fill them with 5 cups of boiling water, wrap a blanket and put on a night in a very warm place. Then strain the contents through the cloth, he squeezed swollen berries and put in the refrigerator infusion. Peel 1 cup 3 times a day with meals.
Feeling my slowly but surely improving. And after about six months, I completely forgot about the nitroglycerin. But most importantly, over time I was able to fully return to its full motoring mode.

It is worth mentioning, perhaps, and the infusion of rose hips, which I also included in the course of their treatment. It is very rich in vitamin C, which is an important vitamin for heart. In addition, the infusion of rose hips has a pleasant taste, I have it and hawthorn added to more pleasant to drink.

Help hypertensive.

Hypertension — the problem of many people.
I offer a recipe that will help only 1 course of treatment.

1 h. Spoon magnesium sulfate powder, 1 h. Spoon of sugar, 1 hr. Spoonful of lemon juice to a third cup boiling cold water.

Drink 1 time in 3 days within a month (just turn out 8 times). Then 1 time per week — again, within a month (just get 4 times). The pressure should return to normal.
If suddenly the pressure is not quite normal, then a month later you can repeat it.

Healer of my heart


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