

Protect the thyroid gland.

thyroid medication folk remedies.

A few years ago I started to increase the thyroid gland.

I know this is dangerous. If measures are not taken promptly, the case can be transferred before the operation. It is clear that all thoughts were only about the disease, about some feelings.

I learned a lot about treatment methods. Most of them had doubts. Not guaranteed success. Or they were very expensive. I was completely omitted, but an incident occurred.

I stumbled by chance on some book on the indoor medicinal plants, and found there a way to deal with a variety of tumors and thyroid diseases.
The basis of preparation of the drug was taken there is a houseplant, a golden mustache. Incidentally, this plant, like many others, I over and over age homes is growing. So infusion Golden mustache very good help in such diseases.

Protect the thyroid gland.

It is necessary to prepare a tincture: 21 count small otrostochek and their 3 lower leaves from the plant, wipe dry, but not washed, finely chop and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist that it is necessary for three weeks in a dark place. Drinking on an empty stomach for 1 st. spoon.
And the rest of the socket than the stem end, it is necessary to put in water until roots start up, and then re-planted in the ground — let it grow further.

I helped a means of fun. After several courses — for two weeks each, thyroid began to diminish. For a very long time I did not even think of it. A Golden mustache mine after several such pruning only
longer grown. In general, both feel great

Recipes from thyroid.

thyroid medication folk remedies.

I decided to write about how the herbs help to tame the thyroid. Hyperthyroidism. This gland, though small, but very tricky, pressure rolls, heart periodically visit just because of her. All this I endocrinologist very well explained and tabletochki written out. Yes only
I did not take this medication, think, somehow she can handle.
Recipes I have a lot of people’s accumulated began to write them down even my grandmother, my mother, too, was fond of useful herbs, that I keep.

They found our family piggy bank and from thyroid recipe:

Take 100 g of crushed roots of calamus and dried birch buds, mix well and pour a liter of vodka. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks at room temperature, and then strain the infusion, that is ready to medicine. I accept this tincture 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day. With the same tincture, I make a compress on the neck, in the area of the thyroid gland — 20 minutes before bedtime. What ended infusion and calmed my thyroid gland, that’s how I tamed it.





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