There papillomavirus.

There papillomavirus.

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Whatever the causes of skin growths, they need to taken seriously, it is necessary to consult with a specialist oncologist, pass tests to ensure purity papillomavirus.

If the tumor has a dark color, begins to bleed, even with a light touch, do not put off a visit to the doctor, although some people did not want to go to the hospital, trying to get rid of warts on their own, sometimes the most barbaric methods.

! In no case can not be separated. Cut papilloma virus. Tie them with a string. This can lead to serious consequences. After eliminating the likelihood of recurrence of papilloma by almost 100%.

There papillomavirus.

In addition, the virus can easily spread further and will be a few more formations. The wound infection can penetrate, leading to severe inflammation.

! Cutting and tearing papillomas can provoke their malignant transformation. If you accidentally broke the papilloma. It is necessary to treat the wound with a disinfectant. Apply a dry dressing. Consult a doctor.

There papillomavirus.

Methods for removing warts.

Remove papilloma possible in several ways, and the most effective of them — with a pulsed laser beam which removes all the layers of the affected skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, at a time the doctor may remove a few warts, this method is suitable for almost all people, even the elderly suffering from cardiovascular, skin diseases. Complications and relapses practically does not happen, papilloma removed without leaving a trace, and remains smooth skin in its place.

Other methods:

electrocoagulation — with the help of high-frequency current, convenient, painless and bloodless method. After such removal does not occur inflammation;

cryotherapy — freezing with liquid nitrogen. It is used in the propagation of warts all over the body, with their trauma;

radiowave surgery — contactless method of removing skin lesions with a special radionozha that also avoids the subsequent inflammation and provides a good cosmetic effect;

classical surgical method.

Help Traditional Medicine.

Small papillomavirus can try to deduce with the help of folk remedies (but only after consulting your doctor!).

Aloe, Kalanchoe: juice to moisten a cotton pad and attach to the papilloma using adhesive tape. The course of treatment 7-10 days.

Stonecrop large (hare cabbage) leaf juice to moisten a piece of fleece or a bandage and apply for 1 hour, 2 times a day.

Castor oil: papilloma daily, 2-3 times daily oiled easily rubbing it into the skin. The course — a few weeks.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree essential oil is applied daily to the papilloma to complete its disappearance.

Juice of celandine: gently apply the juice just to the papilloma 1-2 times a day.

Fruit juice rowan red:
papilloma blotted place several times a day to produce the desired result.

! If the papilloma is damaged, inflamed, self-prohibited. Since there is a risk of papillomatosis. Fast multiple tumors spread throughout the skin.

Herbs for immune system.

Mix plantain, horsetail, dandelion root, lemon balm, nettle, rosehip. In equal quantities.

3 tablespoons of the collection pour 700 ml of boiling water. Insist 3-4 hours. Take 4 times a day, 50 ml.

The same effect has the collection of hops, lozenges, valerian root, lemon balm, oregano, lime blossom and coriander seeds. Prepare. And take a similar method.

The medicine of Siberia.

Lespedeza hedysareae — Siberians have long used its teas and tinctures for various infectious diseases, including viral, diseases.

For the broth 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, boil, brew, filter. Take 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day.

More effective tincture in vodka lespedeza 1:10. Infuse in a dark place for 7-10 days, take 20-30 drops in 50 ml of water 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 15-30 days, alternating with other antiviral herbs.

There papillomavirus, what to do.



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