Posts Tagged ‘vein’



SECRET OF BEAUTIFUL LEGS. People’s treatment of varicose veins on the legs. Everyone knows that beautiful female feet are, first of all, the absence of venous veins. That is, varicose veins. To cope with this problem, my advice will help. • Collect the dew on the cloth in the early morning. Attach a wet cloth […]

Diet for varicose veins.

Diet for varicose veins.

Diet for varicose veins.  There is a special medical diet for varicose veins. Diet for varicose veins. But this does not mean that dietary restrictions are not required. All those who are interested in the problem of varicose veins should clearly understand that the products useful for veins, and there are those that simply harm. […]

Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur. Tomatoes from varices. My mother suffered greatly from varicose veins. Muscat liqueur. I have tried a lot of different medicines and ointments, but nothing it did not help. There is experience in treating varicose fat enlargement with green tomatoes. You need to take a green tomato. Cut into slices. Apply to varicose veins. I […]

WHAT varicose veins?

WHAT varicose veins

WHAT varicose veins? Treatment of varicose veins on the legs. WHAT varicose veins? Each phlebologist know that varicose veinsor varicose veins — this is primarily a consequence of a certain lifestyle. Spending a long time standing or sitting without movement, the person creates the preconditions for developing varicose veins.  WHAT varicose veins?            […]

Best hemorrhoid treatment.

Best hemorrhoid treatment.

Help for hemorrhoids. Best hemorrhoid treatment. A lot of people suffer from hemorrhoids. Best hemorrhoid treatment. They had a long walk to the doctors and pereprobuyut probably all that can be. But it does not give long-term effect, but do not want surgery. It is very often hear that safely cure hemorrhoids, you can use […]

How to heal sores.

How to heal sores.

How to heal sores. We treat varicose veins. How to heal sores. Vein pain in leg. When varicose veins is needed Muscat. I want to share with all the means by which you can get rid of varicose veins. The treatment is quite long, but simple. How to heal sores. You will need nutmeg and […]