Posts Tagged ‘treatment for ms’

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis — a disease of nerves exposed. Treatment Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is one of the most complex and serious diseases of the nervous system. A feature of the disease is alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Usually, most of the nerves in the body are covered with an insulating coat of fat-like substance […]

Atherosclerosis treatment.

Atherosclerosis treatment.

Atherosclerosis treatment. Atherosclerosis is understood as a chronic disease characterized by the formation of plaque cholesterol plaques and fats on the walls of arteries. At the same time, the walls themselves lose their elasticity and become denser. Pathology contributes to narrowing of the lumen of the arteries and complicates the flow of blood. If the […]

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis. If sclerosis in general is a consolidation of organs, walls of blood vessels and tissues with a violation of the supply of nutrients, blood, oxygen to them, multiple sclerosis — when the sclerotic foci are scattered over the brain and spinal cord, the heavier the central nervous system is affected. Multiple sclerosis is […]