Posts Tagged ‘sore throat treatment.’

Sore throat relief.

Sore throat relief.

Home paracetamol. Sore throat relief. Sore throat relief. «Home paracetamol», which I have been preparing for several years, as soon as I learned his prescription. The first remedy for colds, coughs and fever. It helps, so I always keep this medicine in the fridge, just in case. And I cook it this way: 1 kg […]

Sore throat and cough.

Sore throat and cough.

The medicine from autumn. Sore throat and cough. Autumn began, and with it — seasonal illnesses. Coryza, cough, throat … Sore throat and cough. • We never buy nasal drops at home. Most often dig in aloe, you can with diphenhydramine (both can be bought in ampoules at the pharmacy). Sore throat and cough. • […]

Sore throat treatment.

Sore throat treatment.

Sore throat treatment. The disease has no chances. A simple way to fight a cough: take ripe bananas and pass them through a sieve, then put the grated bananas in a pan with hot water in the proportion of 2 bananas per one cup of water with sugar, warm and drink this mixture. The described […]

National Council for colds.

National Council for colds.Sore throat and cough.Our family often resort to treatment with traditional medicine, we also have a little experience.

Pain in throat.

Pain in throat.

Balm for the throat. Pain in throat. Pain in throat. I would like to share my personal experience of treating throat diseases. For this I use rinse from beetroot. You have to grate the beetroot on a small grater, squeeze out a glass of juice. In it, pour a tablespoon of table vinegar. This solution gargle […]

Inhalation from sinusitis.

Inhalation from sinusitis.

Inhalation from sinusitis. Onion inhalation is useful in the treatment of sinusitis in children and during pregnancy. Cut the onion head and lay on a plate. Vapors are inhaled for about ten minutes, while massaging the bridge of the nose and sinuses. The procedure causes lacrimation. In a small saucepan, boiling water is dissolved in […]

Treatment of pharyngitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis.   Treatment of pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is understood as inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is acute or chronic. The clinical picture is represented by discomfort, perspiration and sore throat, aching pain in the ears and dry tearing cough. Refusal of treatment may result in complications. These include a pharyngeal abscess, tracheitis, laryngitis, […]