Posts Tagged ‘cellulite exercises’

Cellulite — no problem.

Cellulite - no problem.

Cellulite — no problem. Best way to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is a problem for many women. And the saddest thing is that only one can get rid of this problem. I work as a fitness instructor. For several years I have been helping women to solve problems with the appearance, including getting rid […]

Cellulite — is a disease.

Cellulite - is a disease.

Cellulite — is a disease. Myths about cellulite. Cellulite is a disease? People learned about cellulite in the 70s of last century. The American magazine for women «Vogue» decided to use this purely medical term. In order to describe the phenomenon of cosmetic «orange peel». And since then, has grown into a cellulite problem almost […]