Symptoms of influenza.

Symptoms of influenza.

FLU: do not be careless!
How to recognize the flu?

Symptoms of influenza. Everyone knows that acute respiratory infections are transmitted by droplet infection. When talking, coughing, sneezing, patients secrete a huge amount of pathogenic microorganisms.

An incubation (latent) period is characteristic of all these infections. Poor general health, loss of appetite, decreased performance, fever, pain in the joints. All this speaks of the sad moment of the onset of the disease.

It is important to understand that acute respiratory infections can be viral, bacterial or mixed infections. Therefore, for effective treatment it is very important to establish in time what exactly you are ill with.

In no case can not start drinking medicine. Especially antibiotics, not knowing the diagnosis. Colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, ARVI have their differences. And require another treatment.

Symptoms of influenza.

Remember, a typical flu begins with a sharp temperature rise (up to 38-40 ° C).

There are symptoms of intoxication: muscle pain, aches in the whole body,
chills, fever, severe headache and sore eyes, a feeling of extreme fatigue and weakness.

As a general rule, at first no discharge from the nose, there is a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the nose, throat, dry irritating cough with pains in the chest.

From 2-3 days of illness there is nasal congestion and discharge, sore throat.

In young children, diarrhea and vomiting may start due to intoxication.
When the common cold, rhinovirus infection temperature is often normal or slightly increased, but pronounced a runny nose, sneezing, redness of the throat, tonsils edema.
When adenoviral infection usually develops sore throat, sinusitis, often joined by conjunctivitis, otitis media.

trifled with viruses!

Many people believe that influenza is not a dangerous disease, with which it is possible to go to work. This is a serious misconception. Indeed, the mortality rate is not typical for the normal type of flu, but flu is terrible … its complications. The most common ones are:

viral or bacterial pneumonia, inflammation of the muscles (myositis)

CNS disease, aseptic meningitis

possible heart problems, including heart attacks, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and inflammation of membranes around the heart (pericarditis)

sinusitis and inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), especially in children


exacerbation of chronic diseases (diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular failure, etc.).

6th level of danger.

In connection with the swine flu virus, WHO announced the 6th level of danger several years ago. People were afraid that the vaccine did not pass until the end of the vaccine trial. But instead of protecting many of them, there were big health problems.

Vaccines often provoke the appearance of incurable diseases, including autoimmune ones.

Please understand, under the phrase “6th level of danger” only the ability to spread the infection on the planet is hidden. It says nothing about her risk of getting sick.

Frankly, at the 6th level out many strains of virus subtype annually A. Currently, pandemic H1N1 flu fits into the framework of the «standard» seasonal influenza, with the only exception that it has a higher infectivity (ie, the total number of cases more than ), but this does not imply that the total possible sea.

Available today in Russia seasonal vaccines already contain including antigens identical pandemic influenza H1N1.

Symptoms of influenza.

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