Rustic slimming.

Rustic slimming.

Rustic slimming.

lose weight fast.

Rustic slimming. Last year, my friend spent a long time in the hospital. I took various medicines. As a result, the weight increased by 30 kg.

Even wearing weight was hard. There was a puffiness. Elevated blood pressure became.

Rustic slimming.

After discharge from the hospital, he went to the village. Bring yourself in order and clean the body.

He made a course of treatment. Strictly adhered to it. I got up very early — at 4 am and drank half a cup of cold tea for the kidneys.

Here is his recipe. Mix the equal parts of horsetail, St. John’s wort and nettle. Two tablespoons of the mixture brewed 0.5 liters of water. Half an hour later, drink 1-2 cups of warm sage infusion with St. John’s wort, mint and melissa. Then in an hour — a sip of vegetable juice. And not just swallowed, but from the very beginning, as if rinsed his mouth. After 5 minutes — once. In the first half of the day, 10-15 sips of juice were made. But only when there was a desire.

lose weight fast.

Vegetable juice is ready so: Mix 30 ml radish juice, 100 ml celery, carrot 100 ml and 300 ml of beetroot juice.

In between, again drinking sage tea with other herbs juice between meals, but only have a cold and how much you want. In the middle of the day and before going to bed — again on a half cup of kidney tea. After lunch — a few sips of juice. In just a day, I drink a glass of juice.

And three weeks later became even every day to go to the village bath with a birch broom. And in general began to move more work, even on the hay went to the garden. It took one and a half months. Yes, did not say the most important thing: all this time, she did not eat anything.

lose weight fast.

It was hard the first week, and then there was so light that did not want to have anything.
As a result of such unloading gone 18 kg, reduced pressure, and swelling about not talking. In general, the city returned to a normal person, but flour, sweet but smoked all still do not eat, do not need it to her. I think that will soon go away, and all the rest is superfluous.


Rustic slimming.



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