Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

  1. Take twenty grams of the color of mallow and chamomile, add 10 g of the root of the marshmallow, melilot and flaxseed. The components are mixed well and crushed to a fine crumb. Pour 1 tbsp. l crumbs of 500 ml of vodka for five days. Used for grinding before bedtime.
  2. To 200 g of sea salt add 100 g of dry mustard powder. Pour 30 ml of purified kerosene. The finished product is rubbed into a sore spot at bedtime for several weeks.
  3. To 200 ml of vodka add fifty grams of dried mullein flowers. Ten days insist, periodically shaking the container. Raw materials are squeezed out and used to rub sick joints twice a day.
  4. Squeeze juice from fresh radish. Apply as a grind for aching joints up to three times a day.
  5. In case of severe pain, tincture is prepared on a banana peel. Half a liter of vodka has a peel of six fruits. It is preliminarily crushed into small pieces. Maintain tincture in a place protected from the sun for one month. After filtered. Rub the necessary area twice a day.
  6. Mix a bubble of triple cologne, iodine and valerian pharmacy. Seven tablets of analgin are crushed to a powder. Stirred and left for aging for a week. Rub the sore spots of the cervical spine three times.
    The recipe should not be used for problems of the cardiovascular system.
  7. One of the most effective means for the treatment of arthrosis is celandine-based grinding. Three tablespoons of fresh raw materials are crushed, filled with half a liter of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and left for a couple of weeks. Filter and apply twice a day.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

  1. To 50 ml of melted pork fat add ten grams of flowers of rosemary and chopped root hellebore. After twelve hours, they are filtered and begin to be used to rub the diseased areas.
  2. 100 g of the fruit of a laxative joster in half a liter of vodka can withstand two weeks. The filtered folk remedy is rubbed twice a day.
  3. A glass of vodka is poured into 50 g of bird cherry bark. After two weeks, the grind is filtered and used as a pain reliever.
  4. To half a liter of medical alcohol add 100 g of fresh comfrey root. After twenty-five days, filter. Rubbed three times.
  5. To half a liter of quality vodka, add a cup of bee subpestilence. In a closed container, the components are left for three weeks. The strained composition for the raster is used twice a day.
  6. To 400 g of chopped aloe pulp add ten milliliters of medical alcohol and half a bottle of red wine. Use for grinds after ten days of exposure. Especially good is the recipe for pathology of the knee and shoulder joints.
  7. After collecting the seeds, collect the baskets of sunflower and chop them. 200 g of raw materials are added to a liter of moonshine. 20 g of crushed baby soap are sent there. After ten days, filter. Use no more than three times a day.
Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.
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  1. […] remedies for the fight against arthrosis of the knee joint. Folk remedies as the main ones can be used only at the initial stage of the […]

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