Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

At home, rinsing the pharynx with medicinal infusions and decoctions is recommended for people of any age. The procedure eliminates discomfort, provides a warming effect. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms.
Frequent rinsing of the sore throat leads to the drainage of the mucous membrane, which is already thinned.

  1. Take a teaspoon of oak bark, chamomile or calendula, brew a glass of boiling water. 40 minutes later filtered and used to rinse. Repeat the procedure at least three times a day until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. The recipe is indicated in the treatment of acute, chronic and catarrhal pharyngitis.
  2. One art. a spoonful of sea salt is added to a liter of warm water, stirred well. A folk remedy is used to combat atrophic, acute and chronic ailment for a week. Rinse five times a day. Recommended for children and adults. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. To 300 ml of boiling water add a tablespoon of oak bark and viburnum (mixture), insist for an hour. The infusion is used to rinse with acute and other types of pharyngitis five times a day. The course should continue until the pain and sore throat are eliminated.
  4. Take 1 tsp. fruits of viburnum, bark of oak and willow, St. John’s wort and birch leaves. The resulting collection is poured into 0.45 liters of boiling water and left for three hours in a warm place under the lid. Filtered infusion gargle thrice three times a day.
  5. Take 5 grams of the root of Valerian officinalis and sage leaves, 10 grams of flowers of the scepter mullein and mallow, 15 grams of comfrey. 15 g of the mixture are steamed with a liter of boiling water, infused for 12 hours. Strained infusion is used seven times a day.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

  1. Use 5 g of the fruits of ordinary fennel, 15 g of the root of the marshmallow, the rhizome of the cinquefoil erect, oak bark and sage leaves. A tablespoon of the collection is insisted for five hours in a glass of hot water. Use at least 6 times a day in the form of heat.
  2. Starch (1 teaspoon) and glycerin (1 teaspoon) are mixed in half a cup of warm water. A few drops of iodine are added. Apply four times a day, each time preparing a new remedy.
  3. A teaspoon of willow bark, previously ground to a powder, is poured with 0.5 l of hot water. Defend eight hours and filter. Used for rinsing twice a day. The duration of therapy is a minimum of a week.
  4. A tablespoon of chopped St. John’s wort herb is combined with several cups of boiling water. Insist folk remedy for 40 minutes. The filtered infusion is used four times a day. Be sure to rinse in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.
  5. 15 g of dry sage is poured with a glass of hot water. Let it brew for half an hour. Filtered with gauze is used four times a day before the disappearance of the clinical picture.
  6. Half a glass of fresh blackberry is turned into juice. 1/3 cup of warm water is added to the obtained amount of juice. Ready drink gargle at least twice a day. The prescription can be used to treat the disease in children and pregnant women.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

  1. Mix a handful of raspberry leaves, immortelle flowers and horsetail grass. 15 grams of the collection are combined with a cup of boiling water, insist 2 hours. The strained infusion is used to rinse three times a day. Suitable for the treatment of all forms of the disease.
  2. For medicinal purposes, a handful of herbs of Veronica, elderberry and peppermint grass are combined. A tablespoon of the finished dry mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, left to stand for several hours and filtered. The resulting infusion is used to rinse with acute pharyngitis, the daily course is four times.
  3. In case of hypertrophic pharyngitis, an infusion of four tablespoons of herbs of a pharmacy and 500 ml of boiling water is prepared. After one hour, the product is filtered with gauze and begin to be used for rinsing at least three times a day.
  4. A tablespoon of leaf elm bark is poured with 0.4 l of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After use several times a day. Similarly, a remedy is used from berries and blueberries.
Rinse for pharyngitis.
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