Phytotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis.

Phytotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis.

Phytotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis.

In order to prevent aggravation of cervical degenerative disc disease and prevent further progression of the disease, you should regularly use various means of herbal medicine. Herbal preparations used externally and inside, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, enhance local and general blood circulation in tissues, improve mineral metabolism in the cartilage and bone, deduce excess salts from the body.

External funds:

rubbing ointments, compresses — highly effective treatments with cervical osteochondrosis, which reflex action on the acupressure points, normalize neuromuscular system motor spine segments.

• Tincture of the flowers of lilac:
1 cup dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a warm dark place for 10 days. Rub the rear surface of the neck 2 times a day. Procedures Course — 2 weeks.

Tincture of the flowers of lilac
• Tincture of mullein flowers skipetrovidnogo:
50 g of dried flowers insist 2 weeks in 70 liters of 0.5% — tion of alcohol (or strong brew). Use for rubbing in painful neck place 1-2 times a day.

Tincture of mullein flowers
• Infusion herb wormwood lemon (tree of God):
2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, to warm for 2 hours, drain. To use for compresses for the night. Course — 10 days.

Infusion herb wormwood
• rubbing:
handful of fresh flowers or leaves of lilac ordinary mince, add 250 ml of juice black (or green), radish, 200 g of honey and 150 grams of vodka. Stir the mixture insist 5 days, used for rubbing 1 per day.

• Tincture of ordinary houseplant kallizii (golden mustache):
take 35-40 knees sprouting plants, grind in a meat grinder, pour 1 liter of vodka and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting tincture of lilac color filtered in a glass bowl of dark glass, stored protected from light in a cool place.

External applied to the friction of the cervical spine and simultaneously drink 1 h. Spoon of tincture 3 times a day before meals with a quarter cup of boiled water.
Treatments — 3 weeks at intervals of 10 days.

• ointment from the leaves of laurel and juniper needles (or fir)
1 piece of laurel leaves (green) crushed into powder, mixed with 5 parts of chopped pine needles, add 10 parts of melted butter and mix thoroughly rub in a mortar. Let it brew for 5-7 days and use for rubbing 2 times a day.

• Ointment of hop cones and kidneys black poplar:
3 parts dry powdered cones mixed with 1 part mashed kidney poplar,
add 5 pieces of fresh butter or domestic pork fat (lard), mix well, to insist for 5 days.

In the topical treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease rather soon disappear or decrease muscle spasms, normalizes blood circulation in the affected segment, reduces inflammation and pain. However, be aware that a single procedure can only relieve pain, but in order to achieve stable positive results may take several treatment courses.

Internal funds:

tinctures, decoctions, tinctures of herbs help to improve blood circulation and overall mineral metabolism in the body, reduce inflammation in the tissues and lead salts surpluses have chondroprotective effect on the intervertebral cartilage.

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