Peony from cancer.

Peony from cancer.

Peony from cancer.

Folk cancer treatment.

Popular in Tibetan medicine, a medicinal plant — a peony evading — serves as the nucleus of many antitumour activities.

Peony is also recommended for use in stomach cancer. Peony from cancer.
It has antitumor, sedative, analgesic effect. Peony is especially indicated for those patients who have stomach pains, as well as nervous disorders.

Peony from cancer.

In addition to calming effect, it has a hypnotic effect, so peony preparations are recommended to be taken mostly in the evening or at night, but in the afternoon you can also take a peony, but only in small doses.

Of the peony preparations is best to take tincture, for example, in the daytime for 15-20 drops, and at night for 40 drops. Peony perfectly calms the nervous system, gives a good seven-hour natural sleep.
Tincture is taken within 30 days, then make a week-long break, followed by a second, and then a third course of treatment.
The best result is observed after taking 2-3 treatment courses of pion tincture.

Peony from cancer.

Peony evading is a rare plant, brought into the Red Book, that is, subject to protection by the state.
As its substitute, you can use a decorative peony, grown in the suburban area. Its effect is slightly weaker, but the healing effect is the same, besides, you do not have to destroy the plant, digging its roots, or you can use the petals of flowers.

If we talk about garden plants, then with cancer of the stomach can help such famous plants, as a catchment, a dapple, a calf, veronica, dope, wolf, viburnum, violet, linden.


Peony from cancer.




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