Decoctions of gastritis.

Decoctions of gastritis.

Decoctions of gastritis.

Herbal medicines used to prepare decoctions gently fight the symptoms of the disease and accelerate the healing of the gastric mucosa. The recommended course is three months. After a short break, they resume.

Mono decoctions

  1. At home, prepare whey. To five parts of the product add one — oats. In an enameled container, simmer for three hours. Squeeze. The finished medicinal fluid is poured into a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and cleaned in the refrigerator. Drink thirty-five milliliters each time before eating, after shaking the serum. Helps with severe pain in the stomach.
  2. For ten minutes, a glass of water is boiled over low heat, into which burdock root (1 tsp) is previously added. Take a folk remedy for pain and nausea with a superficial form of 15 ml three times a day.
  3. Hyposecretory gastritis is treated with rosehip broth — two handfuls of berries per five hundred ml of water. The boiling time is three minutes. Store the broth in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Drink three times a glass.
  4. To a liter of milk add fifty grams of propolis. They simmer on fire for up to five minutes. Take 100 ml per day to eliminate heartburn and nausea.
  5. To 200 ml of moisture add fifteen grams of St. John’s wort. Boil for ten minutes. Drink warm three times a day before meals, 1/3 cup. Helps with acute pain accompanying the antrum form of the disease.
    A high concentration of raw materials leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
  6. Two glasses of moisture are poured into 1 tbsp. l dioica nettles and simmer for ten minutes over low heat. After extraction, take 70 ml three times. Helps to overcome heartburn.
  7. Reflux is treated with linden. One hundred grams of color is placed in an enamel container and pour liters of moisture. Bring to a boil, cover and leave for three hours. Drink ½ cup after each meal. Ten days of treatment is enough to normalize the condition.

Decoctions of gastritis.

  1. A handful of frozen blackcurrant berries are poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. Filter and drink per day. The first 100 milliliters should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. To overcome heartburn and bad breath, fifteen grams of heather are boiled for several minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Take one hundred milliliters four times before a meal.
  3. With bloating in children and adults, three tbsp. l odorous herbs of dill in 400 ml of moisture simmer on low heat for no more than ten minutes. Take 100 ml three times a day.
    With caution, the drug is used for arterial hypotension.
  4. To remove inflammation in children and adults with atrophic gastritis, a decoction of oats is prepared. Half a glass of pre-crushed grains in 500 ml of water is boiled for half an hour. Squeeze using gauze. Boiled water is brought up to 600 ml. Divided into three doses, taking some time before the meal. With duodenitis, a small amount of aloe juice is added to the broth.
  5. Flaxseed has a similar effect. A teaspoon of crushed seeds in a glass of water is boiled for three minutes, allowed to stand until cooling and filtered. Use for three times.
  6. With low acidity, take 15 g of viburnum flowers (can be replaced with berries) and pour a glass of water. Boil for five minutes, insist one hour. Take several large spoons three times.

Decoctions of gastritis.

  1. In a 200 ml milk for five minutes boil a teaspoon of nettle. After the extraction, a little buckwheat honey is introduced. Drink, divided into several doses, after breakfast and lunch.
  2. With antral gastritis, an unusual recipe is recommended. The leaves of the plantain are thoroughly washed, crushed and poured with 0.5 l of grape vodka. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes over low heat. Filter. Take 1 tbsp. l before meals.
  3. They pound 20 g of sea buckthorn berries in a mortar, pour 300 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. After extraction, use twice 120 ml before meals.
  4. A handful of dry birch leaves are added to 500 ml of moisture and boiled over medium heat for several minutes. Drink a glass after eating with erosive gastritis.
  5. You can remove the pain syndrome through gooseberries. A handful of ripe fruit is crushed, boiled for a quarter of an hour in a glass of moisture. Use three times a cup.
    Gooseberries should not be used in the treatment of acute gastritis and duodenitis, as they can cause complications.
Decoctions of gastritis.

Compresses for arthrosis.

Compresses for arthrosis.

Compresses for arthrosis.

  1. In a microwave oven, several handfuls of clay are heated to forty degrees. Spread on a bandage of thin tissue and applied to a sore knee. Remove the compress after cooling the clay.
  2. The green part of the burdock is crushed to a slurry state and left in a glass container in the sun until mold forms. Used as a means for applying compresses twice a day. The exposure time is twenty minutes.
    The recipe should not be used if there are wounds and scratches on the skin, otherwise there is a chance of infection.
  3. Two small tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide are added to 50 ml of water. Wet a piece of tissue, apply to the desired area. Cover with cellophane. The duration of treatment in this way is one and a half hours for each session. Repeat once a day. After the procedure, the skin is oiled with a greasy cream.
  4. Prepare garlic gruel. To do this, six cloves of garlic are crushed using a special crush. The gruel is placed on cheesecloth and applied to the affected area for half an hour.
    Regular use of this method will result in irritation and even a severe skin burn.
  5. Take the grape cake. Impose on the affected area, over covering with cellophane and a bandage. After an hour, the skin is washed. Compress is done in the morning and evening.

Compresses for arthrosis.

  1. A few packages of activated carbon are ground to a powder state. Combine with 15 g of crushed flax seeds and water in an amount of 30 ml. Compress is applied overnight. 24. A few handfuls of tobacco are brought to a powder state. Mix with half a liter of natural honey. A small amount of the finished product is applied to the sore spot, repeating twelve days before bedtime. Over the composition impose a cling film and an elastic bandage. The next morning, the skin is washed.
  2. In relieving pain, a compress with Dimexide is highly effective. It is diluted with water at the rate of 1: 4. In the resulting composition, linen cloth is moistened, which is then applied to the affected area and fixed with cellophane. For a greater warming effect, it is useful to wrap the compress with a woolen scarf.
  3. Long follow the method — the right way to a serious skin burn.
  4. In the oven bake a tomato, divided into two halves. Apply to the affected areas, fixing with cling film for half an hour. It is recommended to perform the procedure for acute pain.
  5. To a tablespoon of mordovia seeds add four tablespoons of lemon balm and heather, three — oregano and peppermint. A handful of raw materials is steamed with a cup of hot moisture overnight. After straining, they are combined with tincture of black poplar (half a liter of vodka and fifty grams of raw material). In the finished composition, gauze is moistened. Wrap around the wrist joint, leaving to dry. Compress put in a day.

Compresses for arthrosis.

  1. Heated honey is applied to the desired area. A piece of gauze is placed on top. After that, mustard plasters soaked in warm water are placed on the affected area. Cover the compress with a pillow. As soon as the burning sensation begins, the compress is removed.
  2. In hot water, a bandage rolled up in four layers is moistened. Each layer is sprinkled with dry gelatin. Compress is applied to the affected area, leaving overnight. Cover with cling film and a scarf.
  3. A handful of “snow” is taken from the freezer. Mix with a spoon of table salt and apply the mass to the diseased area. Wrap with paper and hold no more than three minutes. The recipe allows you to quickly relieve pain and helps relieve inflammation. In just ten sessions, the patient becomes much better. On this treatment is stopped.
Compresses for arthrosis.

Treatment of prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis.

Prostatitis is called inflammation of the prostate (prostate gland), which is a secondary part of the reproductive organs of men. The prostate is located around the urinary tube, as a result of which urine passes through itself.

Inflammation of the prostate gland turns into squeezing the urinary canal, which ultimately leads to blocking the output of urine. Today, prostatitis is quite common, diagnosed in 80% of adult men. At risk are men after 40 years.

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Juices from laryngitis.

Juices from laryngitis.

Juices from laryngitis.

Symptoms of laryngitis are represented by a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, hoarseness and coughing, pain during swallowing, headache and a slight increase in temperature.

Official medicine suggests treating the disease with expectorant drugs, antitussive and anti-inflammatory drugs. The acute form often requires antibiotics.

Folk doctors note that treating laryngitis at home with self-prepared medications is no less effective.

Freshly squeezed juices strengthen the immune system and help to quickly cope with the signs of the disease. Their use takes about a week. After a short break, you can repeat the course.

Juices from laryngitis.

  1. Fresh potatoes are washed and peeled. Pass through a meat grinder, receiving juice. Daily dose — 450 ml. Divided into three servings, heating each before use. Treatment is performed in the acute form of the disease.
    The use of stale potatoes, in which harmful substances are accumulated, leads to poisoning of the body.
  2. Juice is extracted from fresh carrots. To a glass add a tablespoon of natural honey. They drink half a glass twice in the treatment of acute laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  3. If the disease has affected the child, you can prepare blueberry juice. It is advisable to dilute with pure moisture in a proportion of one to one and drink the child twice a day in a glass.
    Blueberries actively accumulate harmful substances in themselves, which can negatively affect the well-being of the child.
  4. Juice is extracted from fresh strawberries. A glass of juice is combined with half a cup of warm water and the child sings a cough twice a day.
  5. Five times a day with acute laryngitis drink freshly squeezed juice of onion — 1 tbsp. l
    An overdose can lead to high blood pressure.
  6. Blackcurrant juice is used for 1 tsp. every half hour. A natural antibiotic allows you to quickly cope with the manifestations of the disease in children and adults.
  7. Every morning on an empty stomach it is recommended to drink 200 ml of orange juice or grapefruit.
Juices from laryngitis.

Charges from arrhythmia.

Charges from arrhythmia.

Charges from arrhythmia.

  1. Take 25 grams of sunflower petals, the roots of the field gland and birch leaves. Add 10 grams of spring adonis. The crushed mixture in the amount of a dessert spoon is poured into a glass of hot water. It is kept on low heat for about ten minutes after boiling. A filtered folk remedy is taken several times a day before meals. The duration of treatment for any form of arrhythmia is a month.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l pharmacy chamomile, mint, fennel fruits, valerian roots, caraway fruits. 500 ml of water are steamed and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink a glass in the evening.
  3. Take in equal proportions the fruits of fennel and rose hips, the leaves of the horn and the shift, the leaves of strawberries and digitalis, shoots of rosemary. One art. a spoonful of the mixture is ground to a powder and pour 320 ml of boiling water. They languish on fire for 10 minutes. Chilled and filtered composition is drunk in 50 ml. Repeat four times a day.
  4. Take the same amount of leaves of coltsfoot, spring adonis grass, rowan fruits, motherwort grass, apple peel, burdock root, peppermint grass, blackberry and tatarnar leaves, levzea roots and cucumber. A tablespoon of the collection is ground. 230 ml of water are added. It is kept on low heat for about fifteen minutes. Drink 45 ml, repeating treatment three times a day.

Charges from arrhythmia.

  1. 5 grams mix calendula flowers, sweet clover grass, wild strawberry leaves, rose hips and hawthorn, chicory root, digitalis leaves, asparagus roots and mint grass. Two dessert spoons are separated, combined with water and sent to the fire. After boiling, boil for seven to eight minutes. The filtered broth is consumed four times in 24 hours, 40 ml each.
  2. The prescription is indicated for any form of arrhythmia. Elecampane, licorice and ginseng are mixed in a ratio of 2: 5: 1. Take 120 grams of collection, steamed 800 ml of water. Boil for ten minutes. After cooling, add 100 grams of honey. Consume every three hours a few tablespoons.
  3. Take in equal proportions the leaves of wild strawberries, rhizomes of hellebore and valerian, the fruits of common mountain ash, the roots of burdock and dandelion, grass lemon balm and oregano, curly thistle. Five grams are taken, 220 ml of hot water is steamed. After a couple of hours they are sent to the fire, brought to a boil and simmer for about twenty minutes. A filtered broth is drunk in 40 ml five times a day.
  4. In equal amounts mix the bark of white willow, shoots of wild rosemary, flowers of common mountain ash, leaves of coltsfoot, fruits of hawthorn, roots of dandelion, astragalus and motherwort. Eight grams are taken, 300 ml of water is poured and simmered for twenty minutes over low heat. Let stand, filter. Use 40 ml three times a day.
Charges from arrhythmia.

Charges from arrhythmia.

Baths with arthrosis.

Baths with arthrosis.

Baths with arthrosis.

Arthrosis is a chronic joint disease in which cartilage is destroyed in adjacent bone structures. The disease is widespread throughout the world. The main cause of pathology is a violation of metabolic processes. Predisposing factors are congenital malformations, internal inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, trauma and overweight. With age, the likelihood of developing arthrosis increases.

Baths with arthrosis.

At home, it is possible to treat arthrosis, the localization of which is concentrated on the foot, hand, fingers of the extremities, etc., through healing baths. As a rule, the procedures are performed before the onset of relief.

  1. The foot bath helps in the treatment of foot arthrosis. Three tablespoons of rosemary and peppermint are poured with five mugs of boiling water for four hours. Tray perform about twenty minutes. The procedure is indicated as a preliminary method before grinding or applying a compress.
  2. About an hour in a liter of hot water withstand two large spoons of hay dust. After filtration, a little warm up. The bath takes a quarter of an hour, it is indicated in the treatment of arthrosis of the hands and fingers. It also helps to get rid of the pathology of the calcaneus, small joints of the foot.
  3. With arthrosis of the feet and on the hands, a bath is prepared from the string. Three liters of hot moisture requires four tbsp. l raw materials. Insist about half an hour. The procedure is performed ten minutes twice a day.
  4. Connect a couple of drops of marjoram oil and black pepper. Add to a spoon of vegetable oil, and then sent to a basin with warm water. The procedure is indicated for arthrosis of the joints of the hands and feet (calcaneus, toes).

Baths with arthrosis.

Bathing with plant components and auxiliary components is useful for arthrosis of any localization. Treatment is carried out in courses of ten to fifteen procedures with a weekly break.
The method should not be used in the treatment of arthrosis if the patient has a fever or heart failure.

  1. Expressed effectiveness in arthrosis of any localization, including on the arms and in the thigh area, have turpentine baths. A pair of pine branches with needles, several tubers of earthen pear, a teaspoon of turpentine and a kilogram of sea salt without dyes are placed in a bathtub filled with hot water. To improve the therapeutic effect, you can add a couple of tablespoons of fresh honey. Submerged in water and are in it for twenty minutes. At the end, they wipe the skin of the body with a towel, and in the area of ​​the diseased joint draw a net of iodine. The procedure is required once a day for two weeks.
  2. In case of arthrosis of the lower extremities and hip joints, it is recommended to arrange baths from hay dust. A folk remedy demonstrates a pronounced therapeutic effect in the third stage of the disease. Take up to five handfuls of the mixture of stems, seeds and flowers, pour boiling water and allow to cool. Add to the bath with the trash. Sessions are held in the evening for twelve days.
  3. To get rid of the pathology of the spine, a bath is prepared with the addition of an infusion of burdock root, lingonberry leaves, heather, ledum and nettle. The components are taken in equal proportions, crushed and selected a handful. Steamed with two liters of boiling water for three hours. Poured into water after wringing.
  4. Soothing remedy — baths based on Jerusalem artichoke. Two kilograms of crushed stems or tubers are poured with six liters of water. They stand on the fire for half an hour. The broth is poured into a warm bath, which is taken for about fifteen minutes in the evenings.
  5. Mix one kilogram of bark of pine and birch, introduce 100 g of oak bark. Steamed with three liters of boiling water and insist for at least four hours, wrapped in a towel. Filter and pour into the water 38 degrees. Take a bath for ten minutes with damage to the spine, thigh, lower limbs, hands.
  6. To a tablespoon of olive oil add one drop of ginger oil and benzoic styrax. The oil mixture is poured into a bath of water at a temperature of 37 degrees. The duration of one session is ten minutes.
  7. Two handfuls connect fern and saber. Pour with three liters of clean liquid and boil. Cool to forty degrees and pour the filtered broth into a bath of water. Session spend about ten minutes. After the affected area is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  8. 100 g of calamus and astragalus in five liters of water are boiled for ten minutes. Filter and add to a full bath. A bathing session lasts fifteen minutes. It is indicated for pathology of the thigh, knees, and big toe.

Powders for diabetes.

Powders for diabetes.

Powders for diabetes.

Plants used in powder form have a quick healing effect. Therapy is indicated to be performed from a month to three.

  1. Home-made powder from dried leaves of a yarut is indicated for diabetes, accompanied by the appearance of wounds. It should be taken in this way: 0.3 g four times, washed down with clean moisture. Therapy does not stop for two months.
    Not recommended for use with low blood pressure.
  2. The peeled acorns are dried under the scorching sun. After passing through a coffee grinder, receiving a powder. It is used for sugar type problems — 1 tsp. during every meal. Washed down with water.
    Do not continue therapy for more than two weeks.
  3. Dry the mustard seeds. The mortar is crushed to a state of fine crumbs. Each morning they eat a dessert spoon of powder, performing the treatment of a disease of the second type.
  4. In case of a sugar disease, cinnamon is indicated. The powder in the amount of a teaspoon is diluted in a cup of warm water and some floral honey is added. Allow to stand for half an hour and drink for the day, divided into two servings. Instead of water, you can use kefir.
    Hypertension is a good reason to refuse treatment through cinnamon. Otherwise, a sharp jump in pressure cannot be avoided.
  5. A quarter dessert spoon of cinnamon powder is added to a cup of hot tea. Insist five minutes and drink. Treatment is performed in the morning and evening.
  6. Ginger powder is taken twice a day — a quarter of a dessert spoon, adding to warm moisture. Helps to increase the protective properties of the body.
    With hypertension and elevated temperature, it is worthwhile to refrain from ginger.

Powders for diabetes.

  1. Red ginseng root powder helps in the treatment of severe diabetes. Take 0.25 g three times a day, washed down with water. A prescription is recommended if vision suffers.
  2. A dessert spoon of turmeric powder is added to a glass of warm boiled moisture. Drink in the morning, repeating in the evening. Helps treat type 1 diabetes.
    Turmeric enhances the effects of drugs, so the simultaneous intake is impossible.
  3. Treat diabetes insipidus with peas, crushed to a powder. Eat 1 tsp. funds five times a day, washed down with water.
  4. A few tablespoons of fenugreek seeds are ground into powder. Recommended for elderly patients to lower their blood sugar. Use half a dessert spoon twice, washed down with milk.
  5. Diabetes mellitus is treated with brewer’s yeast. Take the powder in two small spoons three times a day, washed down with water. Treatment is performed for about three to four weeks.