Oils for fungus.

Oils for fungus.

Oils for fungus.

The use of vegetable and essential oils is considered an effective part of the home therapy program.

  1. In the absence of reaction to undiluted tea tree oil, you can use it as a means to eliminate onychomycosis at home. Rub oil into the nail plate with a cotton pad or ear stick. Before the procedure, it is advisable to clean the nail with water and laundry soap. It is not necessary to wash off the oil. Therapy sessions are performed twice a day, lasting at least several weeks.
  2. If a toenail fungus is introduced in the bath, it is recommended to use celandine oil. It is better to cook a folk remedy yourself. Pre-dried and grated celandine is poured into a dark glass jar, warm oil is added (2 cm higher than the raw material). Stand for a week and filter. Before applying oil to the nail, it is useful to steam your feet in a soda solution — 1 tbsp. l for three liters of water.
    The use of the composition may well result in inflammation.
  3. If the fungus affects the feet, the area between the fingers or nails, prepare onion oil. 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil base requires 2 tbsp. l husks. Withstand three weeks. Lubricate the lesions up to four times a day, performing therapy for a month.
  4. To get rid of the fungus on the heels, a mixture of essential oils is prepared: cloves — five drops, thyme — twenty drops, cinnamon — five drops, sage — ten drops, lavender — thirty drops, tea tree — twenty five drops. Add 100 ml of jojoba oil. Use two weeks twice a day.

Oils for fungus.

  1. Fig essential oil is considered one of the most effective formulations to combat inguinal infection. Used for lubrication about three times a day, continuing therapy until the complete disappearance of visible symptoms.
  2. Dermatomycosis is treated with an oil-herbal composition. Take an enameled container. Fill 400 ml of vegetable oil. Add a small spoonful of mint, calendula, comfrey and Rhodiola rosea. On a small fire, heat up to 60 degrees. Allow to stand for ten hours. Squeeze. Liquid vitamins A, E, D are administered. Apply twice to the infected areas.
  3. If there is a lesion of the scalp, you can use castor oil. They lubricate the scalp, cover with a film on top and wait twenty minutes. After they wash their hair in the usual way. The recipe helps in getting rid of dandruff.
  4. For intestinal candidiasis, use a few drops of oregano oil, adding to a cup of tomato juice. Repeat the reception twice.
Oils for fungus.

Tinctures for arthrosis.

Tinctures for arthrosis.

Tinctures for arthrosis.

Alcohol-containing tinctures help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a disease of different localization. The course can last from several weeks to months. You should focus on the reaction of the body and the severity of the clinical picture.

  1. For arthrosis of the jaw joint, it is useful to use a tincture of the following nature: 300 g of lemon (together with the peel), 300 g of garlic, 300 g of red capsicum are passed through a meat grinder. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka for two weeks. After pressing, treatment begins — 50 ml before each meal.
  2. Four cups of vodka are poured into 100 g of sabelnik. Three weeks stand in the place, inaccessible to sunshine. Drink a tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach. Tincture is also used to apply compresses and perform grinds.

Taking saber inward can result in a sharp drop in blood pressure. A person begins to experience drowsiness, dizziness, convulsions develop.

  1. In a proportion of one to ten combine fresh agave leaves and medical alcohol. One and a half weeks insist in a dark place, after which they spin the raw materials. Consume twenty drops three times before meals.

With liver diseases, such treatment should refrain.

Tinctures for arthrosis.

  1. 100 g of crushed rose hips in half a liter of vodka insist for three weeks, constantly shaking. Drink half a glass three times a day on an empty stomach. After two weeks off, treatment is resumed.
  2. Fifteen leaves of a golden mustache are poured into a container with half a liter of quality vodka. They are kept away from the light for a couple of hours. Drink a tablespoon once a day.
  3. In the normalization of metabolic processes and the restoration of water-salt balance helps tincture of woodlice. Two handfuls of dry grass are placed in a three-liter bottle.

Add half a liter of vodka and fill to the top with warm water. After ten days, filter. Drink a tablespoon, repeating three times.
Woodworm has the property of lowering blood pressure.

Tinctures for arthrosis.

Compresses from otitis media.

Compresses from otitis media.

Compresses from otitis media.

  1. In a 20% propolis solution, a cotton pad is moistened. Twist into a tube and injected into a sore ear. After half an hour, the compress is removed.
  2. In equal parts, the flowers of white elderberry and chamomile are combined. A handful of flowers are ground in a mortar until the juice is secreted, wrapped in a gauze section and determined in the ear for half an hour. The recipe helps in eliminating severe pain.
  3. In the relief of severe pain in the inflammatory process, garlic is used. On an open fire fry a clove. Cool a little and enter into the ear canal. After half an hour, the garlic is taken out.
    A recommendation can lead to severe burning.
  4. Prepare infusion of plantain (a cup of boiling water, a spoonful of raw materials). In a proportion of two to one, they are combined with white cabbage juice. In the composition, cotton wool is soaked. Enter the ear canal affected by the exudative type of the disease for one hour, doing the manipulation up to four times a day.
  5. Geranium treatment is popular. A fresh leaf of geranium is kneading with fingers until juice is secreted. Roll up and injected into the ear canal for twenty minutes. The method is considered effective in the fight against severe pain.
  6. In a glass of vegetable oil melt the wax (a ball the size of a matchbox). Once the oil boils, add the crumbs of half the chicken yolk. Stand on fire for two minutes and filter. Allow the medium to cool. A cotton swab is moistened in it, determined in a sick ear canal for an hour. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Compresses from otitis media.

  1. Juice is extracted from the golden mustache plant. Cotton wool is moistened in it. Put away in the ear canal for one hour. Perform three times a day with purulent otitis media.
  2. A handful of fresh mullein flowers insist on vegetable oil for three days. Squeeze. A cotton swab is moistened in the product, placed in the necessary ear canal for forty minutes. Repeat the procedure no more than four times a day.
  3. Purulent otitis removes the compress from this collection: two tablets of Levomycetin, Streptocide, Streptomycin and Penicillin (rubbed to a powder), any eye ointment (mixed with the powder to a porridge-like consistency). In the resulting folk remedy, cotton wool is determined. The finished compress is placed in the ear canal for two hours. Conduct sessions as needed.
  4. Combine freshly squeezed pomegranate juice and natural honey (one to one proportion). In the resulting product, a gauze swab is moistened, placed in the ear canal for twenty minutes. With severe pain, the procedure is repeated up to four times a day.
  5. By pressing extract juice from pine needles. Lay cotton swabs moistened with juice in a sick ear canal. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Sessions are carried out three times a day. Recommended in the treatment of purulent otitis media.
Compresses from otitis media.

Harvesting herbs from prostatitis.

Harvesting herbs from prostatitis.

Harvesting herbs from prostatitis.

  1. Ten parts are mixed with rose hips, hawthorn fruits, four are the colors of a pharmacy chamomile and meadowsweet, three are each of a fireweed, lingonberry, dandelion root, knotweed, and birch, and two are greenery of winter wheat and medicinal sweet clover. Eight large spoons are taken. Insist night in two liters of boiling water. Drink warm seven cups a day.
  2. The black elderberry, immortelle, nettle, flaxseed, celandine, tansy and yarrow, fruits of Chinese magnolia vine are mixed evenly. A few tablespoons of the mixture in 300 ml of hot water are insisted for half an hour. Drink the second share of the glass three times.
  3. Leaves of lingonberry, sage, birch, goose cinquefoil, nettle and birch are mixed evenly, the same amount of horsetail grass is added. A couple of large spoons are placed in 0.3 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Use from congestive prostatitis in half a cup once a day.
  4. The birch buds, St. John’s wort and celandine greens, hop cones, wormwood, yarrow, St. John’s wort, St. John’s wort, tansy and elecampane roots are evenly connected. A couple of large spoons soar in half a liter of boiling water overnight. Drink with exacerbation of an incomplete cup four times.
  5. Quickly cope with a delicate problem in men helps such a fee: 1 tbsp. l chicory, half a dessert spoon of oregano and St. John’s wort, several tansy flowers, a pinch of wormwood. The entire amount is poured with a half liter of hot water for twenty-five minutes. Treatment is performed four times, taking half a cup.
  6. Mix 1 tbsp. l fireweed and lemon balm. A pinch of raw materials in a cup of boiling water is kept for one hour. Drink, divided into a couple of servings, per day.
  7. A multicomponent infusion for the treatment of a chronic disease is prepared from lily of the valley leaves (one and a half parts), hanging birch buds, medicinal asparagus shoots, plantain leaves, pear grass, three-part train, calendula, celandine, chamomile, blackcurrant leaves and berries (two each) parts), bog dried mash (three parts) and seeds of sowing flax (five). A glass of raw material is taken. Hover in a liter of boiling water for two hours. Use four times a cup.

Harvesting herbs from prostatitis.

  1. Such a collection seems no less effective: marshmallow dried fruit, juniper fruit, sweet clover, licorice root (one and a half parts), meadow clover color, calendula color, blackberry leaves, lingonberry green, veronica grass (two each), sowing flax seeds, fruits and greens of black currant, rowan fruits (five each). A handful of the mixture is poured into 600 ml of boiling water and left for four hours under a lid. Take the infusion twice in a circle.
  2. The petals of the white and red roses are connected evenly. A collection glass is poured into 300 ml of water and boiled 13 minutes after boiling. Take a glass four times.
    Allergies and hypotensives should be avoided.
  3. Parsley, coriander, plantain, carrots (grated), colza and black onion are equally collected. A few tablespoons of raw materials soar for a couple of hours in half a liter of boiling water. Drink ½ cup before meals.
  4. A mistletoe, corn columns, goose cinquefoil, large burdock and pepper mountaineer are taken equally. Steamed 1 tbsp. l before cooling with a bowl of boiling water. Use a couple cups per day.
  5. According to 1 tbsp. l connect the hop cones and green motherwort. Six hours soar in 500 ml of boiling water. Drink with chronic prostatitis in half a cup twice after a meal.
  6. To 20 g of stalnik root, 12 g of hemp seed, 15 g of hazel bark, 10 g of dyeing gorse, Dubrovnik, blueberry bark, medicinal leaves, Umbrellas grass and horsetail grass, 5 g of source are introduced. A handful of the mix is ​​insisted for one hour in half a liter of boiled liquid. Use the entire volume per day, dividing into four equal servings.
  7. One hundred grams combine the root of the iris, the fruits of hawthorn and rose hips, leaves of lingonberry and birch. A few large spoons overnight are steamed with 1.5 cups of hot water. Consume one hundred milliliters four times.
  8. On 20 grams combine coltsfoot, plantain seeds, violet. Introduce 30 g of burdock root, dandelion leaves, bird of the mountaineer and fennel. A couple of hours, 50 g of raw material is kept in 500 ml of boiling water. They drink twice a hundred milliliters.
Harvesting herbs from prostatitis.

Charges for glaucoma.

Charges for glaucoma.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. At home, they are preparing a collection of plantain grass, lingonberry leaves, succession grass, knotweed, nettle and horsetail taken one dessert spoon each. Add 3 teaspoons of rose hips and mountain ash. 30 grams are taken, combined with three glasses of boiling water, the night is kept under a towel (you can use a thermos). The volume is intended for consumption per day.
  2. Ten grams of caraway seeds, coriander, anise, dill are mixed. Pour with hot liquid in the amount of 500 milliliters. Wait two hours and filter. Use ½ cup three times.
  3. In equal shares connect the licorice root, ginger, cinnamon, lemon balm, buckwheat flowers and motherwort. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with hot moisture in an amount of 200 ml. Withstand an hour and filter. Use three times a day for half a glass.
    Prolonged use of the composition leads to fluid retention in the body.
  4. Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of spring primrose, chokeberry, woodlice grass and blackcurrant leaves. 20 grams of the collection is steamed with 230 milliliters of boiling water and stored for thirty minutes in a dark place. The volume is calculated per day.
  5. In order to reduce intraocular pressure and normalize blood circulation, a collection is prepared from fifty grams of leafy birch leaves, plantain, nettle, grass, horsetail, knotweed, lingonberry, and a string taken. Add a hundred grams of St. John’s wort, 150 grams of rose hips and mountain ash. Two large tablespoons of the mixture are placed in a thermos, steamed with 700 ml of boiling water and insisted overnight. The next morning they are filtered. Drink during the day instead of tea. Each night a new folk remedy is steamed, continuing treatment until the symptoms of glaucoma disappear.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, the following remedy is recommended: add two teaspoons of rosehip flowers, a teaspoon of rosehip roots and 10 g of aloe root, ground to powder, to the crushed walnut raw material in the amount of three large spoons. A quarter of a piece of refined sugar is introduced. In 500 ml of boiling water, the mixture is incubated for half an hour. A strained product is taken in 15 ml at bedtime, lasting for twelve days. After 3 days, the course is repeated again.
    Excessive use of infusion can cause increased headaches.
  2. If there is glaucoma or cataract, proponents of alternative treatment recommend the following collection: 70 g of white mistletoe and oregano, 60 g of fruit tree. To prepare the drug take 450 ml of boiling water and 45 g of the mixture. It is kept under the lid for two hours. Drink after meals three times in 1/3 cup. The course continues for a month.
  3. The collection of the following components (15 g each) helps to stop the development of the disease: ginger root; liquorice root; buckwheat flowers; motherwort grass; lemon balm leaves. Take 15 grams of the collection, pour 1 ml of hot water for 1 hour. After filtering, they drink half a cup twice. Treatment takes place a month with a repetition in two weeks.
  4. Mix one part of flax grass, knotweed, string, lingonberry, plantain, nettle. Three parts of mountain ash and St. John’s wort are added, two are introduced — cinnamon rose hips. For 500 ml of boiling water, 30 g is required. After 3 hours, filter and drink half a cup each time before meals.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. To half a liter of hot water add 1 tbsp. l Roots and bulbs. Insist hour. Squeeze the raw materials. Folk remedies are used once — for ¾ cup. Treatment does not stop for forty days.
  2. Take ten grams of elecampane root, drooping birch buds, blue cornflower, parsley flowers. Combined with forty grams of leaves of a three-leaf watch. Chopped. A large spoonful of raw material is added to a glass of hot moisture and can stand for an hour under a towel. Drink for two weeks, 30 ml each time after eating.
  3. Four parts of the duckweed plant and motherwort leaves are mixed, two are added — kelp leaves and one — ginger root. Take 15 g, steamed with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 120 minutes. Filter through two layers of gauze. Drink two tbsp. l three times before meals.
Charges for glaucoma.

Compresses external from otitis media.

Compresses external from otitis media.

Compresses external from otitis media.


Applying external and internal compresses during otitis media is the first aid to a sore ear. The method is used to treat adults and children, is indicated for pregnant women. With its help, it is possible to strengthen metabolic processes in the focus of inflammation. The duration of such therapy at home is controlled depending on the severity of symptoms.


  1. Boil large beets. Peel, peel abundantly with honey and put on a sore ear over gauze, leaving a compress for half an hour. There is another option for the recipe: beets are cut into pieces and boiled in honey. Use in a similar way.
  2. Menovasin is applied to the gauze cut. Impose on a sore ear, holding it all night. Repeat if necessary — if severe pain is observed.
  3. The inflammatory process is treated with a hot compress, the main role in which is played by a brick. It is warmed well, wrapped in a piece of tissue and placed on the ear that requires attention. Hold for at least several hours. During the session, the patient should drink hot tea.
    Following the prescription for purulent otitis media is unacceptable, otherwise complications cannot be avoided!
  4. A section of the bandage is moistened in vodka and saturated with natural honey. Positioned on the ear, leaving for an hour. The compress is repeated after six hours. The recommendation is suitable if a child’s type of disease is diagnosed.
  5. For five minutes, a few cloves of garlic are boiled in a glass of water. After the garlic is taken out, chopped and mixed with a pinch of salt. The mixture is placed on a section of a bandage, applying a compress in the area of ​​the affected ear. Twenty minutes later, the compress is removed. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  6. To relieve pain helps applying a bottle of warm water over the ear. The method is especially effective in cases of illness in a child.
    Warming compresses in the treatment of a child can be used only with the permission of a doctor.
  7. Houses bake a large onion. Divided into two parts. One is wrapped in dense cotton and applied to the area near the inflamed ear for ten minutes. Repeat sessions twice a day with pain.

External compresses

  1. For otitis media, a clay compress helps well. Any suitable. It is soaked in water, laid out on a cloth. The ear canal is closed with a cotton swab. A compress is applied on top, leaving for two hours. One procedure per day is enough.
  2. In a proportion of one to two, camphor alcohol and water are combined. After the dough from wheat flour is kneaded on the resulting composition. Add one raw beaten egg and some linseed oil. The pellet is transferred to a cotton cloth and determined in the area of ​​the diseased ear. Cover with a woolen scarf. Hold for about one hour. One session per day is enough to get rid of the pain manifested in the chronic form of the disease in the near future.
  3. A folk remedy for a bullous type of disease. Steamed fresh greens of a centaury. Apply to the ear canal requiring treatment, leave for fifteen minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.
  4. A mixture of elderberry, centaury and chamomile flowers is steamed with boiling water. Five minutes later, the raw materials are squeezed out, wrapped in gauze and applied to the outer region of the diseased ear. Withstand until cool. If the pain is severe, the procedure is carried out up to five times a day.
  5. In equal shares connect the rhizome of common calamus and upright cinquefoil, oak bark and thyme grass. A few pinches of the collection are wrapped in cotton. The «bag» is placed in boiling water for three minutes, squeezed and applied to the diseased area. Perform the manipulation three times. The duration of the session is twenty minutes.

External compresses.

  1. In boiling water, soak the crust of stale bread. A tissue is applied to the sore ear, and bread crust is placed on top. Wrap in a warm scarf and leave for two hours. The recipe is harmless for children and pregnant women, helps in quickly getting rid of the symptoms of acute otitis media.
  2. Take a twelve-day infusion of tea mushroom, moisten a gauze bandage in it and apply it to the outer region of the auditory organ. Top covered with polyethylene and insulated with a woolen scarf. Hold the compress for at least nine hours.
  3. With severe pain in a child, fat is used. It is cut into thin slices and placed around the auricle, covering with polyethylene on top. After one hour, the fat is removed.
Compresses external from otitis media.

Infusions from arthrosis.

Infusions from arthrosis.

Infusions from arthrosis.

Reception of phyto-infusions during the period of the disease allows you to restrain its progression and eliminate discomfort. Regular use promises improvement after a few weeks, but a solid effect can be achieved only with prolonged therapy. Sometimes the reception of infusions occurs up to five years.

Mono Infusions

  1. A small spoonful of gelatin is poured into 100 ml of warm water and allowed to stand overnight. In the morning, twice as much warm water and a spoonful of honey are injected. Mix well and use on an empty stomach. The recipe is especially good in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee, but can also be used for other types of disease.
    Internal administration of gelatin in no way affects the patient’s condition.
  2. A series helps in normalizing metabolism. Twenty minutes in a glass of boiling water withstand two tablespoons of raw materials. After filtration, they begin to use — a glass three times a day. The infusion has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be prescribed for any degree and localization of the disease.
    Regular use of the infusion of the series leads to increased excitability. Sometimes the patient has panic attacks.

Infusions from arthrosis.

  1. A tablespoon of tomato stalks is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left for an hour. After filtering, treatment begins. Drink 1/3 cup up to three times a day.
  2. A handful of fresh blackcurrant berries are steamed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew well. Drink 1 tbsp. l six times a day.
  3. 200 ml of boiling water is steamed 1 tbsp. l chopped greens burdock. Five times a day take a large spoon.
    Prolonged intake of infusion leads to the deposition of glycogen in the liver.
  4. Three ripe lemons are rubbed on a medium grater along with the skin. Place in a glass container and fill with hot water so that it covers the entire pulp. When the infusion has cooled, dissolve five large spoons of flower honey. Drink a cup a day, divided into several servings.
  5. Using a meat grinder, grind a glass of parsley roots. Steamed with one liter of boiled village milk and left to cool. Drink ½ cup three times a day on an empty stomach.