Decoctions of endometriosis.

Decoctions of endometriosis.

Decoctions of endometriosis.

The use of herbal decoctions is considered a good opportunity to increase immunity, and with it the body’s resistance to the disease, as well as reduce the inflammatory process. The course is up to two months. Repeat after a five-day break.

Mono decoctions

  1. If there are painful menstruation with endometriosis, the preparation of angelica decoction is indicated. Forty grams of roots in a liter of water are boiled for five minutes after boiling. Insist before cooling. Take a glass three times before a meal.
    In angelica, a high content of substances harmful to the body, in view of which its use should occur with extreme caution.
  2. The common cuff is considered a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. A handful of plants is added to a liter of moisture. They languish over low heat for twenty minutes, after which they are left to stand overnight. Filter in the morning. Drink volume during the day.
  3. Resorption of tumors in the uterus contributes to black cohosh. A teaspoon of dried grass is poured into 0.24 liters of cold liquid and sent to the fire. After boiling, they languish for seven minutes. Filter, not allowing to cool, and drink three glasses a day. The recipe also helps to normalize hormones and get pregnant.
    Possible side effects of angelica include nausea, severe headache, and visual impairment.
  4. Ten grams of a dried plant of the uterus of the pine forest is filled with 200 ml of water. Boil for ten minutes and allow to cool. Use in the form of heat three times a day, fifty milliliters.
  5. To suppress the growth of the endometrium at home, use a decoction of the red brush. A tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water is boiled for ten minutes. Insist half an hour and filter. They drink the cup three times, each time preparing a new folk remedy.
  6. Two large spoons of pre-dried cucumber lashes in 500 ml of water are boiled for ten minutes. Allow to stand for one hour and filter. Take half a glass three times.

Decoctions of endometriosis.

  1. Grind 15 g of viburnum bark and add 0.23 l of boiling water. Cook for ten minutes over low heat. Use up to four times a day for a pair of large spoons.
  2. Boil 1 tbsp. l the roots of a hemorrhagic drug fifteen minutes in a glass of water. Use with severe uterine bleeding for 1 tbsp. l up to three times a day.
  3. Three hundred milliliters of moisture is poured into 10 g of burdock roots, previously crushed. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes. Squeeze. Drink half a cup in the morning and evening.
  4. Collect sprigs of cherries. Chopped. Two large handfuls are placed in an enameled container and filled with water. Twenty minutes boil over low heat, after which they allow to stand for about four hours. Drink as tea, without limiting the amount.
  5. Boil for five minutes two tbsp. l chopped cucumber tops in half a liter of water. Stand for cooling and take ten milliliters hourly.
  6. Dry the peel of the orange. One and a half liters of water has a peel with seven fruits. Boil until half the volume remains in the container. Filter and add a little fresh honey. Drink a large spoon three times a day.
Decoctions of endometriosis.

Tinctures for fungus.

Tinctures for fungus.

Tinctures for fungus.

Alcohol tinctures are considered effective in combating different types of fungus. They are used inside and out. They are treated to relief.

  1. 200 ml of celandine juice, obtained at home by squeezing a fresh plant, is combined with 200 ml of medical alcohol. For two days, leave in a dry place under the lid. Used for treatment of onychomycosis after steaming nails in the bath. Repeat three times until the growth of a healthy nail. The same tool can be used to get rid of itching of the scalp, applying as a mask.
  2. To quickly get rid of onychomycosis, it is recommended to drink tincture of celandine. The grass is mixed with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2. After a twelve-day exposure, squeeze. Start using with five drops, gradually increasing to twenty. Treatment is continued for at least a month.
    The use of celandine tincture inside often causes constipation.
  3. Four large spoons of onion peel are kept in 200 ml of vodka for fourteen days. It is used to treat nails affected by the fungus three times a month.
  4. Prepare alcohol tincture from resin of apricot tree (tablespoon) and vodka (glass). Three days later, the treatment of onychomycosis begins: in the tincture, gauze napkins are moistened, after which they wrap the nails or treat the disease on the palms of the hands. Repeat three times a day (15 minutes) for a month.
  5. 10 g of lilac color is combined with a glass of alcohol and kept in a dark place for 14 days. Filter. Use twice a day to treat an unhealthy nail.
  6. To 500 ml of vodka add half a cup of poplar buds. Withstand ten days at room temperature, squeeze. Wipe the skin affected by the fungus, it is possible in the groin. Also applied to sore spots with onychomycosis on the legs.

Tinctures for fungus.

  1. Epidermophytosis is treated with tincture of birch leaves. At 2 tbsp. l raw materials take 200 ml of vodka. Five days later squeeze. I process the inguinal area up to five times a day.
  2. Prepare a collection of birch leaves and poplar buds taken in equal parts. About 300 g of raw material is added to 300 ml of medical alcohol. After 7 days, filter. Apply to lubricate sore spots.
  3. An alcohol tincture of white birch bark is recommended for disinfecting the skin in the groin (2: 1).
  4. If the disease affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, they prepare such a tincture: fresh peels of black walnut fruits, aspen leaves and black poplar buds are mixed in equal proportions. In a ratio of 1:10 combined with medical alcohol. After nine days of settling in a dark place, squeeze. Consume 1 tsp. three times, diluting in a small amount of moisture.
  5. To eliminate the problem that affected the internal organs, take 50 g of the fruits of Japanese sophora and 500 ml of vodka. Insist a month, occasionally shaking. Take a dessert spoon every time before eating.
Tinctures for fungus.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

The use of phyto-infusions is an important part of the complex treatment of the disease at home. The duration of the course is from three days to a week.

Mono Infusions

  1. A teaspoon of fresh green ivy buds is added to 0.25 ml of boiling water. Filter after one hour. Drink a quarter cup with hearing loss caused by inflammation of the middle ear.
    The plant is poisonous. In case of an overdose, there is increased salivation, sweating and pain in the stomach.
  2. A handful of lingonberry leaves are steamed with a mug of boiled moisture for forty minutes. Drink, if there is adhesive otitis media, in half a cup twice.
  3. A teaspoon of dried lemon balm leaves is steamed with a cup of boiled liquid, leaving it under the lid for an hour. After filtration, they drink half the volume, repeating up to four times a day. Helps eliminate pain and tinnitus.
  4. Twelve hours in a liter of boiling water withstand three large tablespoons of crushed raspberry root. Drink with purulent otitis 600 ml per day.
  5. A large spoonful of stigmas of corn is insisted for half an hour in a glass of boiling water. Drink 100 ml three times on an empty stomach, adding a little fresh honey. The recipe is recommended for the treatment of a catarrhal type of inflammatory process.
  6. With the advanced form of otitis media prepare tansy infusion. A teaspoon of flowers in a mug of boiling water insist an hour. After the extraction, they drink a third of the cup three times.
    Such treatment is strictly contraindicated for children.
  7. Fifteen grams of the color of a heart-shaped linden is poured with a mug of boiled moisture for twenty minutes. They drink the filtered folk remedy as tea up to four times a day for acute and chronic otitis media. It can be consumed by children. In a similar way, an infusion of chamomile and nettle is prepared and taken.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

  1. Prepare a collection of four parts of plantain leaves, marigold flowers, and a series of grass taken in four parts. Three parts of eucalyptus leaves are added, two each — licorice root, pine buds and yarrow grass. A teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water is insisted for about one hour. Filter and drink during the day. The composition is recommended for compresses.
  2. Stinging nettle and rosehip berries are mixed evenly. The mixture is well ground. A couple of spoons are steamed with a liter of boiled liquid, leaving to cool. Filter. Instead of tea, give children (you can drink and adults) from ear congestion.
    It is not recommended for people with a tendency to thrombophlebitis.
  3. Purely connect the leaves of eucalyptus, lavender grass, yarrow, dandelion root and celandine. The mixture is ground. Two large spoons in 500 milliliters of boiling water overnight insist under the lid. Drink in strained form for a third of a glass three times. The infusion is also suitable for internal compresses.
  4. Poultry mountain grass, marshmallow root, peppermint grass, evading peony root, blueberry shoots and calendula flowers are mixed evenly. A handful of collection is steamed with half a liter of boiling water and left for eight hours at room temperature. Drink a third of the cup three times.
  5. Prepare a mixture of flowers taken in the same number of immortelle flowers, sweet clover grass, mountaineer root, meadowsweet color, mistletoe shoots, pine buds. Grind and select 1 tbsp. l 400 ml of boiling water is boiled overnight. Use on the fourth part of the cup twice, if there is a noise in the ears.
Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

Syrups for prostatitis.

Syrups for prostatitis

Syrups for prostatitis.

Syrups prepared at home, from the point of view of adherents of alternative care for men, contribute to a faster cure, permanently eliminating discomfort. The duration of therapy is up to six weeks.

  1. One hundred grams of dried green celandine is boiled for fifteen minutes in 0.7 ml of water. After cooling, filter and add 600 ml of honey, preferably viscous. Mix thoroughly and send to the refrigerator, after being poured into a glass container. Use before meals in a tablespoon three times.
    The composition is very allergenic.
  2. Prepare powder from onion seeds. Equally mixed with viscous honey. Take a teaspoon syrup three times a day. This is a good folk remedy, if you need to treat bacterial prostatitis.
  3. Twelve grams of sowing hemp and pumpkin seeds are ground in a coffee grinder. The finished powder is combined with a large spoon of honey. Syrup is added to tea. Drink at a time. The drug is recommended as anti-inflammatory, therefore, it treats chronic prostatitis and exacerbation of the disease.
  4. Combine 150 ml of an alcoholic extract of a golden mustache (purchased at a pharmacy) with half a liter of linseed oil. Shake well. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

Syrups for prostatitis

  1. For the treatment of a stagnant type of disease, oil syrup is prepared. For this, a jug of ghee is combined with the same amount of pistachio butter and milk. Boil up to a third of the volume. Take two dessert spoons every morning.
  2. Beat a couple of raw egg yolks. Add a glass of onion juice. Boil for seven minutes. Drink a dessert spoon before eating.
  3. Boil a cup of honey until thick. After removing from the fire, a small amount of crushed nuts of large pine, carrot seeds and Chinese cinnamon is introduced. Mixed. Use four times a small spoon.
  4. To the state of gruel, the white part of the leek is ground. Three hundred grams is taken and combined with 600 ml of white wine. Introduce 120 ml of thick honey. Ten days stored in a dark corner. Filter. Use in three sets per day for half a glass.
  5. For the next recipe, it is recommended to use honey and walnuts. First you need a glass. To it are added 25 crushed into powder kernels of walnut. Take 1 tbsp. l three times.
Syrups for prostatitis

Fees treat pancreatitis.

Fees treat pancreatitis.

Fees treat pancreatitis.

  1. In dry form, ten grams of greens of walnut and lingonberry are mixed, and twenty grams of plantain greens and grass of a succession are mixed. A tablespoon is poured with a bowl of boiling water. Filter after a couple of hours. They use 1/3 cup some time before meals, repeating a couple of times a day.
  2. Chronic pancreatitis is recommended to be treated with this mix (the number of parts is indicated in brackets): alder buckthorn bark (two), spider web burdock root (four), wheatgrass rhizome (five), large plantain leaves (four), medicinal sage leaves (one), common blueberry leaves (three), dill seeds (two), sowing flax seeds (three), multi-strand scrub grass (five), bird highlander (two), St. John’s wort grass (two), late dentate grass (two), dandelion (four) ) Two large handfuls of the mixture are steamed for eight hours with a half liter of boiled liquid. Drink four times in half a cup. Long-term treatment — for three years.
  3. Combine ten grams of jasmine flowers, trefoil leaves, motherwort grass and hypericum. Steamed 1 tbsp. l mix 0.2 l of boiling water for 55 minutes. Drink fifty milliliters, performing therapy three times in 24 hours.
    Abuse of the composition can turn into a headache.
  4. To three parts of buckthorn bark add three — nettle leaves, two — mint leaves and one each — valerian root and calamus rhizomes. Steamed 1 tbsp. l mix a glass of boiling water for forty-five minutes. They drink it after pressing the raw materials in the second part of the cup twice — in the morning and in the evening.
  5. The following phyto-composition helps in the treatment of acute pain: 20 g of motherwort, 20 g of calendula and 20 g of immortelle color. Three pinches of the mix are added to one liter of boiling water. After settling is filtered. Take up to six times a day for 1/3 cup.

Fees treat pancreatitis.

  1. Three parts of caraway seeds and nettle leaves, one each of calamus, valerian root and yarrow grass. Steamed 1 tbsp. l mix with a glass of hot liquid. After insisting, they are treated, drinking half a cup three times.
  2. In order to anesthetize the pancreas during an exacerbation, it is recommended to prepare a collection of the following ingredients (one part): St. John’s wort, motherwort, dill, calendula, chamomile, mint, Amur velvet, woodpecker, rose hip, celandine, burlap, bedstraw, string, nettle, yarrow. A handful of the mixture is steamed one and a half circles of boiled moisture and left for eight hours in a thermos. Filter carefully so that the raw material does not get into the liquid. Use a third of the cup four times before meals. The course lasts about two months.
  3. In the treatment of acute pancreatitis, a collection of 20 g of buckthorn bark, 10 g of peppermint leaves and a three-leaved shift, dandelion root is used. Two pinches of phyto-collection pour 200 ml of hot liquid. Insist 180 minutes, drink 50 ml in the morning and evening before meals. Treatment lasts no more than a week.
  4. 50 g of mother-and-stepmother, blue amethyst, golden leafworm and dandelion root are mixed. Add 40 g of rosemary and 30 g of bitter wormwood. Pour 1 tbsp. l mix to half a liter of boiling water and let stand for 2 hours in a warm place. Twice a day, take one hundred milliliters.

Fees treat pancreatitis.

  1. Fruits of dill, grass of horsetail, cuspidaceae, yarrow and St. John’s wort, rosehips, Kalang root are mixed evenly. A couple of pinches are taken and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. In a thermos leave for the night. Recommended if exacerbation of pancreatitis is observed — a quarter of a circle up to four repetitions per day.
  2. Equally mixed grass is motherwort, repeshka, peppermint, snake, nettle, dried pine, yarrow, chamomile flowers, dandelion roots and plantain leaves. A large handful is poured with a half liter of hot water. Defend for six hours. They drink three glasses four times.
  3. In equal shares combine the root of barberry, buds of birch, the color of immortelle and calendula, grass of knotweed, centaury, marjoram and St. John’s wort, burdock and elecampane root, nettle leaves and coriander fruits. One and a half handfuls are combined with 400 ml of boiling water for eight hours. After filtering, treatment begins — two and a half glasses twice a day.
  4. Mix acacia, water pepper, immortelle, calendula, flywort, meadowsweet, mullein, hops, fennel, tansy, knotweed, burr, chamomile, dandelion, oats, plantain. An incomplete glass of grass is poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted under the lid for a couple of hours. Use half a cup up to four times a day.
Fees treat pancreatitis.

Charges from bronchitis.

Charges from bronchitis.

Charges from bronchitis.

  1. A tablespoon connect thyme, ledum, St. John’s wort. One and a half large spoons of the mixture are taken and boiled in 350 ml of water for five minutes after boiling. After pressing, a small amount of flower honey is introduced. They drink with a smoker’s cough and a long-standing disease in half a cup up to four times a day.
  2. Mix a handful of licorice root and linden color. Boil in 200 milliliters of water for eight minutes. Squeeze and use one hundred twenty milliliters three times, each time preparing a new remedy.
  3. Prepare a collection of two small spoons of oregano, four — rosemary, taken one at a time — birch buds and nettles. A few pinches of the phytomix are crushed and poured with two cups of water. After boiling, boil for ten minutes. Allow to cool under the lid and squeeze the raw materials. Drink on a full stomach in a third of a cup, repeating three times. The prescription is used to treat chronic bronchitis.
  4. A chopped head of garlic and a dozen medium-sized onions are placed in the pan. Pour milk and cook until tender. Filter, injected with a spoonful of honey and freshly squeezed peppermint juice. Take 15 ml up to five times a day on an empty stomach. Garlic treatment is especially useful for candidiasis.
  5. Purulent bronchitis goes away if you take the following broth: mix one hundred grams of poplar buds, burkun and plantain leaves, take 15 g and bring to a boil in half a liter of water. Allow to cool and squeeze the raw materials. Drink a cup three times a day on an empty stomach.

Charges from bronchitis.

  1. Equally connected are the grass of knotweed, the fruits of garden dill, thyme, anise fruits, licorice root and pine buds. Two handfuls of the mixture are defended for half an hour in two cups of moisture, after which they are sent to a low heat and brought to a boil. Cool and filter. Use when treating a purulent type of disease and obstructive, half a cup three times on an empty stomach.
  2. In one liter of milk, a lump of white cherry resin is boiled. After filtration, two hundred milliliters of honey, a little dry ginger root and three clove seeds are added. Drink 1 tbsp. l on an empty stomach three times.
  3. In a pan with a liter of water put one apple, one onion and potato. Cook until evaporation of half the volume of liquid. The broth is drained and given to the child three times a day for 1 tsp., Relieving the acute and obstructive types of the disease.
  4. With a protracted cough, four walnuts together with a shell, a spoon of black elderberry and 15 ml of honey are boiled in 0.5 l of water. Drink a decoction of 10 ml three times.
  5. Mix 2 tbsp. l bare licorice root and 1 tbsp. l the colors of linden. Take a pinch, pour a glass of moisture and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. To dilute viscous sputum, use half a cup three times a day.

Charges from bronchitis.

  1. Prepare a mixture of flowers of mallow, root of the medicinal moth, thyme (1 tbsp each), licorice root (2 tbsp.), Anise fruits, mullein color, coltsfoot leaves (1 hour each). l.). An incomplete handful of collection is poured into 200 ml of water and sent to the fire. After boiling, boil for about six minutes. Allow to cool and strain. Use several spoons of decoction up to four times a day for treatment of obstructive type.
  2. Connect two pinches of horsetail and sage, one each — the color of the hawthorn blood-red and the root of the primrose. A handful of the mixture in 250 ml of water is brought to a boil and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Allow to cool and spin. Use hot for a quarter cup three times. Helps with chronic bronchitis.
  3. As an expectorant, which can permanently relieve discomfort in the bronchial region, a collection of five tablespoons of wheatgrass root and three — peppermint is recommended. Pour three circles of water and bring to a boil. Allow to cool. Drink 1/3 cup three times on a full stomach.
  4. In the pulp, chop the head of garlic. Two lemons are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with 300 g of sugar and 500 ml of dark beer. The mixture is added to garlic and sent to the fire, boiling for half an hour. Take ten milliliters each time before meals.
  5. The following collection has an immunostimulating effect: roots of safflower-like levzea (15 g), roots of Manchurian aralia (15 g), wild rose brown (15 g), blood-red hawthorn (15 g), medicinal calendula (10 g), three-part series ( 10 g), chokeberry (10 g), leaves of a large plantain (10 g). Fifteen grams of phyto-mix is ​​ground, placed in a mug of water and brought to a boil. Boil for fifteen minutes. After filtering, drink ¼ mug three times a day.
Charges from bronchitis.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

  1. With reticular varicose veins, an infusion is prepared from flowers taken in equal proportions from the mountain arnica and hazel bark. Two large spoons pour 0.6 liters of boiling water overnight, wrapped in a towel. Take 70 ml each time before a meal.
  2. The grass of sweet clover, meadowsweet, dandelion roots, leaves of wild strawberries, cuffs and birch leaves, oats straw are mixed evenly. In 350 ml of boiling water, eight grams of raw material is brewed. In a water bath they heat ten minutes. After leaving for half an hour under a towel. In strained form, they drink half a cup twice.
  3. Leaves of lingonberry, blackcurrant, primrose, heather grass, three-colored violet, horsetail, mullein and horse chestnut are mixed evenly. Seven grams are taken, 350 ml of boiling water is poured and left for three hours. After extraction, take fifty milliliters three times. A folk remedy for uterine disease is indicated.
  4. Prepare a mixture of birch leaves taken in equal proportions, grass of the mountaineer pepper, melilot and shepherd’s bag, cornflower flowers, chicory roots and hazelnut. Eight grams insist 2 hours in 400 ml of moisture. They drink half a cup twice a day with varicose veins of the pelvic organs, preferably after eating.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

  1. Mix the leaves of lingonberry, horse chestnut, meadowsweet, heather grass, chicory roots, lovage and horsetail. Pour 1 tbsp. l collecting boiling water, in the amount of one glass. After 1 hour, filter. Use with deep varicose veins 100 ml twice before meals.
  2. To get rid of the disease of the esophagus or stomach, an infusion is prepared from the fruits of horse chestnut, bark and hazel leaves. The components are combined in 100 grams, after which a large spoonful of raw material is taken and added to a glass of moisture. After two hours, filter. Use four times in 50 ml.
  3. Collection for the treatment of varicocele. An equal amount of laurel, dried apples, blueberries, lemon balm, birch leaves and sage are combined. Three large spoons of the mixture are brewed with a liter of boiling water and the night is kept in a thermos. Tea is replaced with infusion for three weeks.
  4. With varicose veins, a uterus is prepared from (taken in equal amounts): dandelion root, chicory, celandine, motherwort, bean, chamomile, knotweed, coltsfoot, clover. The raw materials are crushed, a couple of large spoons are selected and mixed with 500 ml of boiling water, leaving overnight. Take four times 50 ml.
  5. Mix 20 g of flowers of apple trees, 30 g of stems of wormwood, leaves of walnut, birch and thistle. Put phyto-raw materials in a pan, fill in 700 ml of moisture and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat. After let stand until cooling. Add some honey. Drink three times before meals, 1/3 cup with varicose veins on the female side.
Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.